This is one of those 'better late than never' thing. XD

This season is probably one of my slowest to achieve my goal every season of reaching at least the DIAMOND I leagues. Nevertheless I am still glad that I finally made it today and finally secured my 60 LOOT CHESTS. Hopefully a golden legendary would be inside one of those. XD

Diamond I.jpg

Not gonna lie, even though this season is one of my slowest but in terms of win-rate percentage this season is one of my highest.

Normally I would only be sitting at 42-45% win-rate per day but at the moment I am currently sitting at 51.86% or 209 ranked matches win out of 403 total ranked matches. That's quite high for me. XD


To be fair though there is still 3 days left before the current season ends so there is still a high chance of me ending the season again at the 42-43% win-rate. Still I'm already quite happy with this season as I had a week or two of a not so frustrating day unlike the previous seasons. XD

DEC-wise I think I have gotten more this season from winning ranked matches (most likely due to my 50%+ win-rate). However my daily quest rewards are trying to balance that out by giving me MORE POTIONS THAN USUAL. Lol

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