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POKEMON GO: my adventure beginning a 3rd time!


Hell0 all,

As the title states this is my third leg of my pomemon go adventure...lets take a look at my adventures so far.

1st adventure) 7/6/2016 I began my 1st was my test account really but I didnt know that at the time, I speed leveled to level 23 & used all items right away, soent extra time each day & week going out only for pokemon go...the result was rough...I hit 84 pokedex, though my strongest pokemon was only a 1694 jolteon...I learned my lesson by seeing that I had friends who didnt spend money or timd playing & made it to level 20-21 naturally they had much stronger I started my second account...this accoumt was started on 7/30/2016 this time I was playing smart...I didnt waste/use any stardust or candy powering up...I saved all of my items except for incubators, berries & balls until I hit level the time I made it to level 20 it took me more than twice as long but it was worth the time I made it to level 21 I had atleast 4 pokemon over 1600 cp...I had a major change at/of work & lost the time to spend & forgot until the next year.


2nd adventure) I had meant to take a small break but it was longer than I thought & other than a 2 day trek to get my santa hat pikachu I wasnt playing between mid september 2016-march 2017...enter 2nd gen hunting...I came back as soon as I learned about second gen...I spent extra time & made it to level 24 almost 25 but my life was busier & even though the game had more to offer I wasnt hooked again...I played on & off until september of 2017 & I lost interest this time I had a pretty good pokemon collection though it still wasnt fun since there still was little to no legendaries.


3rd adventure) This is the real story, I was working & jad a frind tell me there was a ho-oh at the gym near by I was all over it...I downloaded the game again & had to sign into my 1st account since it was gmail linked & my 2nd/main account wasnt & didnt have time to rest the password, we didnt end up beating the ho-oh raid but came super close...a few days later I had my main account back up & running....since then Ive gottent to level 26, I rejoined the game at the perfect time since we are in the middle of the water event & the new raid/research modules rock...I already have evolved a gyarados, 2 blastoise, feraligator, swampert, a shiny wailord & much more since my return. Ive also gotten lucky enough to catch atleast 3 100% pokemon...all in just over a week.

The GOAL) This time I plan on playing for a very long time...I want to catch em all, beat em all, make it to level 40, have all the shinys & have tons of fun while getting back in shape.


Sorry that my trip down memory lane & providing back story kept you waiting for my report for yesterday but here it is & it will improve with better record keeping soon.

6/15/2018 I had caught a total of 61 pokemon, hatched 1 pokemon & earned 50 pokecoins from gyms. Tomorrow I hope to have more details for todays stats!
