Getting better at PUBG Mobile #3

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Hey there everyone! I'm back again, with my 3rd and final post on how to better yourself in PUBG Mobile.

Now I could go on with more of these, but I think after this post that I've covered the most important tips for someone that's new, or stuck in a rank division. From here on out it's mostly practise and getting a good feel for the game.

So without further ado, let's get to it.

Choosing your weapons.

I think the choice of weapon is something that people overlook most when playing, but it's really a vital factor that can make or break your game.

When you first drop in, this is not too important as you need to grab whatever you can to defend yourself. But as you continue to find more weapons after you've cleared an area, you should know which weapons are best suited to your style of playing and what the strengths and weaknesses of the weapons are. The best way to familiarize yourself with the stats of the weapons would be to make use of the Armory, which can be found on the main screen of PUBG Mobile.

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As you can see, every weapon that is available in the game is right here in the armory. All the details are here, most notably the stats (Power, Recoil, Range, Firing Speed, Capacity), available attachments for the weapon, and also skins that can be applied.

Now I chose the M416 for my image, because it is my go-to weapon in PUBG Mobile. If I get a chance to grab one, I will. I think it's amazingly rounded for nearly all situations, especially if you have decent attachment on it. It's low recoil and fast firing speed makes it easy to use for just about anyone.

So which weapons should you choose? Well, other than the M416, I'd suggest something in your first slot to use for spraying and your other slot for a weapon that can damage targets at a decent range.

Spraying Weapon

This is for when you're running from building to building, expecting some close range fire. So ideally you want something that has very little recoil so you can steady your aim, as well as a decent clip size. Personally, I'd go for a UMP9. They are easily found and so is their ammo, plus it can also take a few attachments. Alternatively, you could use a shotgun for this purpose, but I would not suggest this. Have a look in the armory for what you think might make a great spraying weapon in your opinion, and give it go in the training area on the targets.

Range Weapon

It's all in the name here. We want something to shoot targets from afar, before they have a chance to do so. For this to work properly however, we definitely need a decent scope to go with the weapon. An 8x scope is ideal, as you can switch between 4x zoom and the full 8x zoom. Of course we can't choose what we get, and this won't always be viable.
The weapon we want should pack a punch! The larger the rounds and the greater the damage, the better. Recoil doesn't play too much of a role, so don't mind it too much. Most people would say that the AWM is the ultimate weapon for this category. Whilst this may be true because of it's unmatched power and speed, it's not my choice at all. They can only be acquired from air drops and even then they are a random drop, so the chance of getting one is pretty low and they come with limited ammo. I would instead recommend weapons like the SKS, SLR, or even the Mini14. They are fairly easy to come by, and they tick all of the boxes. If I can have my pick of the 3 though, I'd go for the SKS. So once again, grab one of these in the training area, throw on an 8x scope and practise hitting those moving targets far off in the distance!

Selecting the firing mode.

Now that we've got your weapons sorted out we need to maximise our use of them. This is were choosing your firing method comes in. Most weapons that you get in the game have multiple firing modes that can be selected: Auto, Burst, and Single. Not all weapons have all firing modes though, so read the descriptions in the armory to check, or see which modes your weapon has in the training area.

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Least amount of control - suggested for close-range.

This mode is vital to switch to if you're entering a building with your low-recoil weapon. At such close ranges most of the bullets will make contact and give you a high chance of putting the target down. Also make sure you've reloaded your clip before entering and that you've equipped an extended magazine if you have one. It also comes in handy if enemies are huddled up at mid-range, as stray bullets have a decent chance of hitting those next to your target. Don't use this for long-range shots, it's a waste of ammunition and the recoil will lower your chances of hitting the target.


Fair amount of control - suggested for mid-range.

This is a good all-rounder, but it's mostly useful for getting down targets that aren't too far away. Use it if you're running outside, or even if you're inside a building you've cleared and you're shooting out of the windows. If the weapon doesn't have much recoil (especially if it's been equipped with a grip) aiming in burst mode is quite easy and it can deal a good bit of damage per click. In some cases you might even get away with some longer shots.


Best amount of control - suggested for long-range.

This is best used for making those long range shots (distant target with a 3x scope or further). You will be able to stay on your target easily, so you can fire off the next shot. It also conserves ammunition (don't waste it using Auto mode) which can be vital at times. If you have fast fingers, you might get away with using this mode in most of the other situations described above too. But it's always best to use the right tool for the job.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed reading and that this will be useful to you in your quest for PUBG Mobile glory!

"Focus on progress not perfection" Bill Phillips.

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