Hi! im ZanT

Hi everyone! my name is ZanT and this is my presentation to hive


I'm argentininan and my blog is mainly going to be about gaming, although i may share some deep thoughts here and there.

Right now my main gaming interests are axie infinity and smash bros ultimate, so lets talk about my relationship with each one.

i play competitive smash bros for roughly 8 years now and i have become one of the best players in my country, and the best Pokemon trainer (my character) in South America!
Its been a long ride and i have tons of great clips to share here, so stay tuned!

(random pic of me cosplaying as zoolander at a tournament)


I started playing axie about six months ago, but the scholarship program that i was in gave me pretty much the worst axies you could find on the market so it was a rough life. Luckily i had friends who where starting thier own scholarship program so they helped me out and gave me a team! now i have graduated a couple months ago and these are my 3 beautiful children!


Fun fact, i got my reptile for 127 usd a month or so ago, while now the same axies are pretty rare and costing about the triple of what i paid!

Im currently at 1600 mmr which is not bad for me, but my objective is to get at least to 2000, so lets see if i can make it before the end of season 19!

Thats about it from me, expect some clips in the next days and let me know if you want to see something in particular.

big thanks to @chuntaro for bringing me into this space!

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZantAguilar

@fionasfavourites @lovesniper thanks for recommending making an intro post, this was fun to do

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