Take That Hill! (Rising Storm 2: Vietnam gameplay) + Minor Rant On Law School

Nothing like blowing off some steam, assaulting a hill full of angry Vietnamese defenders...who'd just got done losing an assault on that same hill as Americans. It make's for an interesting rivalry. Especially after many, many, hours of studying and a few beers.

I swear I've never studied for anything in my life like I've studied for the Florida bar! Never thought I'd pay $1000 to take a two-day exam lol

And the funny thing is(I say funny but truly it's sad) I'm having to teach myself the very things that law school should have taught me. When it's all said and done, It appears like I paid $120,000 over 3 years to take a $1000 test.

It's a damn good thing I like to argue, and want to be paid for it ;)

Add me on Steam to squad up in Vietnam! http://steamcommunity.com/id/AdHocToth

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