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Next Colony my first impression

I must admint, that @nextcolony has great PR, and great targeting. They created atmosfher that they will give us some extra game, yet they didnt show much (when the first auction started they didnt give us anything) of the game. Even information that the first payouts will be in 14 weeks, and that only (yes only) 30% of they income will be given back to players didnt lower steemians enthusiasm. Last auctions give them 30k steem. And when game "sucesfully" started players buy all avaliable (very expensive) packs (with resources, and boosts). What can i say... LOL ok but lest talk about "game" istelf.


Someone told me not so along that nowaday non game that have bad UI wont be popular, Playears wont acepted UI that is unfriendly. Suprisy they will, here on steem. Shity UI second time (first one was DrugWars) dosent mean that game will not be popular. Why shity?
First ppl who entered the game didnt know how and thought that they cant build antyhing. It is not intuitive that you must make skills for you account to build anything.

Main page dosent say antyhing about your account or what you should do, there is only a text and some information about your first planet that dosent say anything usefull

We get 3 menu buttons, one for our account with skills(very important becouse you must train your skills to build something), shop to buy res and boosts, ranking, and faq (and list of planet but it wont be usefull for long time, and the list of all planet hm if you like to see all same "alfa" planet here you are, but be ready to wait long time for them to load). Then you have "planet list menu" there is one planet at the beginning so don't bother, and planet menu, where you can go to bulding site (also shipyard, and other but for now arent very usefull). Menu at mobile has to small buttons like for me so it is one more minus.
At the bulding site you can see your buldings but you dont get many information... there is no info about time and resoruce producing for next lvls, only the one you have, and the one you can build, so planing strategy is hard (resource producing rise x2 maybe it change later, we dont know. time i dont know, for first lvl also ~x2 but then it rise slower. i asked about this, but didnt get info so cant tell you). Best thing is with resarch lab: "Note: Nothing special so far.". Yea great. So why you give it anyway?
Skills site looks smiliar, and also non usefull information like how many lvl do you need to unlock producing ships. Sad.

O, and about look. It is very like from last era. it is just text, and few (nice looking) images. No 3d efects or something like that. You can call it "oldskull" yes, and it wouldnt be bad, but hm. Maybe this is just me but i didnt like it.


OK so lets go to most important thing in browser games. What you can do now in this game? Not very much. You can train your skill, to bulid your bulding. The idea with skills would be good if they give us some skill tree, but no. You can train them all, and even in one moment. Only restriction is that you need to have enough resources, and you must wait. And rather long time. lvl 1 - 15 min, 2 - 30 min, 3 - 50 min, 4 - 1:15 min, and to give you image how long this time is, you need lvl 13 of shipyard to get your explorer ship, and 20 lvl of explorer ship skill... a lot of time, and a lot of resources. I think it will take something like 2 weeks, maybe with resources from boxes litle less time to get this ship. So as you see there is no skill tree that would lead you to other interesting things in the game (no discovering/unlocking here). You get all skills at one... BORING. And what you could already notice there is NOTHING else to do at first 1-2 weeks (probably). So just cliking upgrades. BORING.
Exploring, and fighting maybe will give to this game some fun, but for know it is only for ppl who like to work (there is no fun from discovering in this game, and nothing else to do than upgrade buldings and skills), or ppl who will make bots to work for them. THIS IS NOT A GAME, there is no fun in just cliking blindly for upgrades... One more thing, it is normal for blokchain, but still, when you clik you must wait few secounds so it is a little anoying.

"Sucesfull start" and economy

Nextcolony said that the start of the game was sucesfull. It is nice PR post, but. First of all, when we were trying to get to the game at 22:00 a few ppl, get there, but the most of us saw "forbidden" site or other erros. Reason was that they didn't think about that they need to have some time to get money from ppl who won last auction. So they block registration. When money get to them we could register again but... it was not so easy. Server for the game wasnt enough, and it could not handle so many ppl registraiting to their game. Now it is working fine so its is great. Nevertheless game start for devs for sure was successful, last auction give them around 30k steems, and players when they at last get to the game bought all boxes that was avaliable (there is 24h limit of them) And also. The boxes are realy expensive for something that is giving not so much in game in where is so little to do. But ppl buy it anyway. The limit of boxes is really good idea. Devs are saying that this is to make game more balance, and less P2W, and maybe it is truth and it is good, but i think it also make this items more desirable. You see that someone else is buying it and there will be for a moment no more left, so you buy it too... Great idea to make money, good job!


There was a lot of hape for this game (i also have a lot of hopes for it), auctions is showing this. But what we get is... i cant call it even a game. Maybe this is good start. It work, and it is on blokchain, maybe in few months it will start to look like a game, and players will be able to have fun from it. But now it is only "investition". Jus to have rare planet that will be able to sell in future. My ratings is 2/10.
O, and ppl that is saying in discord hurr durr great game are not doing good job. It wont give the game anything. I played in a lot of browsers and deskopts games, this is not becouse i dont like devs or something. I wanted to play great game here on steem but well, i cant. @steemnova for now (clone of ogame) is much better and gives more fun to me. I am fan of strategy games, but even "simcity"(i like more Cites: Skyline) where there is just economy is much better and have much more things to do...
