Final Fantasy XV is messy and chaotic, but it's still a great game

Perhaps it took nearly 10 years to be released, Final Fantasy XV tries to be the biggest game you've ever seen in your life. Almost like an apology for the delays that dragged the last decade, Square Enix seems to be willing to make the game is great in everything that is proposed. Amazing visual enormous maps, all there is superlative. Including this demonstration here at E3.

The demo available on the Square booth is the same as we saw during the Microsoft conference, where Noctis and the rest of your group must face a titan. To corroborate this impression that everything here to be great, we have a colossal enemy that barely fits on the screen itself, which gives rise to a conflict which is really breathtaking - for good and for evil.

A system evolving

This is not the first demo of Final Fantasy XV we see. Over the last year, the game received some small versions to test that allowed us to see a little of how it is getting. It is still something small, but enough to show that the series follows a good way.

And the point that draws the most attention along these statements is how the combat system has been refined. Since the first version, still quite confused when we saw here at E3, it is clear how much Final Fantasy XV has been little oiled by little to become the title that fans expect. This time, we have a fairly simple mechanics based on the use of own D-Pad, which allows the player to switch weapons at any time of the fight, and may even switch in the middle of a combo to create various effects.

It may seem like a subtle change, but it makes all the difference in relation to what was shown in the demo Platinum, launched a few months ago. In it, the combat system was simplified so that boiled down only to press the button several times until your enemy fall. This time, however, you realize the need for this alternation and it shows that Final Fantasy XV did not give up its strategic character.

On the other hand, things still follow and chaotic. As you are an old fan of the series, you will feel lost with all the fireworks show of fighting, especially when Noctis begins to teleport from one place to another or to make your swords appear and go away from your hands all the time . And, well, this is where things start to get into trouble a little more.

Facing with the titan

The demonstration of this E3 begins with Noctis and his team in a long rocky corridor. A little later, a group of soldiers awaiting for a confrontation. Nothing too complicated, being present there only to make the player get used to the mechanics of battle and get ready for what you'll find a little ahead.

As soon as we face the Titans, you can see that it has some kind of bond with the hero. There is no explanation or attempt to introduce context - something we only find out when the game is actually released - but we see that the giant's presence affects the head of Noctis own. But this is no obstacle for him to face.

It is here that we begin to feel a little more Final Fantasy XV problems. As it was revealed in the Microsoft conference, Titan is really great. Very large even, the kind that does not fit. We only see a few pieces of his body here and there. And all this enormous stature just making the game camera just go crazy, leaving good player lost in the midst of such explosions and lighting effects.

The game even tries to help him at various times. When an attack is coming, for example, the camera focuses on the hand of the creature and shows that it is time to hold a lock, then dodge. However, most of the time, you get quite lost in all that is happening.

Part of that feeling of confusion is the teleportation ability that Noctis uses to evade attacks or reach strategic points. It is a very nice effect, it is true, but that leaves the player even more lost. So much so that it is not rare you get lost and be jumping from one side to the other while trying to hit the Titan. More than that, very high heels can cause the protagonist suffers too much damage to fall, and leaves it vulnerable to a giant attack.

These camera problems and excess visual effects are points that are a concern to fans for some time and that just accentuates here. Almost like a heritage of Kingdom Hearts, everything is very acrobatic and pyrotechnic, which ends up moving the player itself action. But even with all that, these points are far from making Final Fantasy XV lose its luster.

So much so that, when you get used to all this chaos and begins to understand what is happening, things are much simpler. And it really is very pleasant to see when Noctis freezes the hand of the enemy, together with their allies, destroy it into several pieces.

Assim, no fim das contas, a demo da E3 de Final Fantasy XV apenas reforça a sensação de que o jogo quer realmente ser maior em tudo o que se propõe a fazer, mesmo que acabe tropeçando um pouco para isso. Ele é caótico, bagunçado e pode deixar alguns jogadores perdidos em meio a tanta pirotecnia. Porém, por trás desse show de luzes e câmeras dançantes, ainda há um excelente jogo.

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