Mind Game Challenge Part 1: 500 SUP Reward

This is a "Mind Game Challenge". The winner will receive 500 Superior Coins. Deadline will be on November 9th, 10 pm US Time.

Please show your solution and don't forget to leave your Kryptonia username in the comment section. Good luck to everyone.

Opps, don't forget to vote my post too.

Please follow the instructions or else you will be REVOKE from the task. Please put it in your mind that Reputation score is important in Kryptonia because some of the tasks there required the minimum score.

Follow me for more mind games challenge. Thank you for using Kryptonia Platforms. Have a good day to all.

"Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climbe a tree it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid. - Albert"


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