Spicy Enchiladas Are the Antidote for Bad Weather!


Today we had some pretty terrible weather out here in my home town. I live just outside the city of Chicago, so there's an abundance of ethnic food.

One of my favorite little joints is called Express Tacos and they serve some delicious enchilada platters!!!

This one was their Enchilada Dinner Plate!!

I'm slowly reintroducing carbs into my diet and they put about 1 cup of rice and 4 tortillas into this enchilada plate. That's going to take up about 70% of my carbs for the day, but it's all worth it!!!

Most people would enjoy this with a coke or some other calorie intensive beverage.

Water is a great appetite suppressant and it will also help you intake less calories from pure sugar!

I love trying out new places, but sometimes the tried and true places that I go to regularly are the best way to go!

What's your favorite ethnic dish? Leave a pic below in the comments!

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