G20 Protesters What do they want? What are they protesting? Welcome to Hell --WROL

I've looked at several news stories but have failed to find what the G20 protesters stand for and why they are causing CHAOS. The Welcome to Hell protest is reported to be Anti-Capitalists and Anarchists. The news stories show violence and the police throwing people to the ground and getting attacked. chaos.jpg

Interestingly all the protesters seem to be wearing manufactured clothing, a product of capitalism and civilization. I've put a lot of thought into trying to make fabric without access to manufacturing. (Even the Amish buy manufactured fabric.) And I'd have to bet the protesters all have cell phones... a product of civilization. What does anarchy produce except warlords and slaves? Without rule of law hardly any progress could happen at all. Life would go back to being tribal, very dangerous, crude, dirty and short.

Without rule of law things would get very dicey. Sure you could smoke your pot and not pay taxes but you also have no rights to freedom or to own anything. Anyone bigger and stronger can come along and take it from you. I can understand a community wanting to be self governing. But still there is governing... the very thing the anarchists despise.

The Anti-Capatialists are looking for a collectivist society where everyone is equally entitled to the wealth and lands. While I feel more compassion for this group in that in theory they want everyone sharing and holding hands and being peaceful. Do these look like peaceful people to you?
That's me btw...

While I would love to have greater access to roam freely across lands that are currently owned and I'd also like there to be river and lake access that's free & free land should I want to set up housing wherever I want, a lot of the freedoms we take for granted are a result of people having property rights. See sources for more reasons why property rights are important.

Communists aka Anti-Capitalists seem to want everyone else to be generous.

If the anarchists really want to live somewhere without rule of law why aren't they moving to Somalia?

Because it seems they love all those things that rule of law entitles them to and yet like to protest against it.



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