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I always look forward to being muted, it's one of the coolest things on Steemit. (Yes, maybe I'm a bit odd)

It's especially special when they announce "I am going to mute you!" like I will be totally bummed out. Before rubbing my hands with glee I first go to Steem Followers and confirm that the deed has been done.

And if they have indeed muted me, from that point on, anytime I run into them on Steemit, I will reward them with a suitable picture from my frigging humongous image collection. I have folders with names like "dogs arses" and "fat fruity tattooed dwarfs"

So suitable pictures can rapidly be found. Especially if the person muting me has just accused me of being a deep state undercover agent!

The thing I always wonder, is do they not realise that everyone else can still see my comments, and its only them that can't?

So they may as well have announced "here is an open license to take the piss out of me for evermore" I can't see the appeal myself, but I do love it when opportunity is handed to me on a plate.

Replying to spam can be fun, but nothing compares to being muted. All those poor saps who have muted me will never see any of this so I can happily tell everyone without having to worry that they will see this post and unmute me.

Jesus I sound like a prick, but that is one of the downsides of my new policy of being unafraid to openly express myself on Steemit...