Fun ride on the subway... đŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ˜†đŸ€đŸ€«đŸ€­đŸ˜±


I had a very “fun” ride at the subway today

Like every morning, I went to my nearest metro station to catch a train to take me to work.

Usually it is a pretty quiet wait since it is still early, most of the passengers are still sleepy and don’t have much interest in talking.

Today though, something broke that silence. I was suddenly hearing a woman’s voice mumbling. I tried to find where that voice is coming from.

I turned around and saw the back of a woman, facing the wall, holding something and her shoulders going up and down.

I took an interest because she seemed to be laughing and tried to hear what she was saying. And then, I realized that she wasn’t laughing
 “No”, “What do you care”, “You don’t 
”. That’s what I managed to hear.

People around were uninterested in her but to me she seemed to be trying to hold her voice down and not show that she was about to start crying.

I felt sorry for her, being in this situation, early in the morning, alone in a cold metro station, trying to hide her feelings from the one she was on the phone with and from the “busy” eyes around, that are waiting for the next train to pass.


The train came and we all went in. Amazingly, it wasn’t very crowded. She stood, facing the other door and kept talking. I was right behind her.

And the train started moving. And because of the noise, she started speaking louder. And louder
 And she started sounding angry. And angrier.

And suddenly she started yelling! “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?”. “You are nothing. NOTHING to me anymore”. “You don’t have ANY right to ask or judge me, YOU HEAR ME?”. People around were surprised! Some even woke up!!! But she kept going. “I AM SICK OF YOU. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. DON’T EVER CALL ME AGAIN. E V E R!”. And she hung up.

People left looking at the back of that woman. They kept staring, silently, not moving, not even a sound. And then
. In all that silence, in that awkward moment

A fart!!!! Not a very loud one, not a very long one either. Just a couple of seconds, just a high pitch “squeezed” one

Some gentleman, just a meter away from us, couldn’t take all that excitement and farted. And broke the silence! We all knew who was the culprit because he was the only one looking at his feet.

A few younger passengers started smiling, a young lady behind me started laughing. I could barely hold my laugh too when I realized that the woman was doing the exact same thing.

She placed her hand in front of her mouth and her shoulders were going up and down again, from silent laughing this time.

And a daily routine, a subway ride to work, had officially become something to remember!

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