Fun memes I felt compelled to save this week

Ever since leaving FB and Instagram I don't waste much time on social media I waste significantly less time on stupid things online. Well, that is unless you consider what we all do here to be wasting time. I suppose it could be seen as such but at least we don't argue with one another over politics nearly as much.
Now, whenever I have a lull in my day or I have to wait in a line or something I switch on 9gag instead and if you are a 9gag user you probably already know that this site is mostly for memes and some of them are straight up hilarious. Others are also extremely informative and I think that I have probably learned more about current events from the comments section of a meme than I would ever get from a news station.

Anyway, these are the ones that struck me enough to save and share this week.


Ah, good ol' bar sports. Except for the people that do these things all the time yes, that caption is absolutely true. It always comes up. In my own life you could add bowling to the list for sure because that is the first thing that people talk about right before we roll our first balls.


I was a huge GOT fan and season 8 truly truly pissed me off. I think that most GOT fans were very upset at the way that the ending seemed forced, rushed, and didn't adhere to really any of the story up to that point. The main thing being Daenerys Targaryen's story arc and how she completely changed as a person over the course of a short period of time. I could go on and on about what is wrong with season 8 but I believe just like the creator of this meme, and that is that NONE of it made sense.


This could be something that would get an argument started on Facebook and kind of showcases the difference between men and women in my world. I have never really heard the argument that we need "plus sized models" or realistic body image for men but we hear about it all the time in regards to women. Victoria's Secret having fat models, that fitness center getting in trouble for featuring fit women in their advertisements, and celebrating an untrue "healthy at any size" agenda is just madness and I don't really feel that men really bother with any of that... we don't care. I could be wrong on this one but in my own life I've never experienced anything but admiration for male stars being in fantastic shape.


I have a few friends who really dislike crypto and get upset whenever they hear about it. Why it makes them upset is a mystery to me but I suspect rather than disliking it, they are jealous about the fact that they didn't get involved in it. Consequently both of the people I have in mind would probably fit into the top category of the above previous meme as well. These "extreme examples aside" isn't it crazy how all of a sudden everyone wants in now? It's not a bad thing for those of us that have believed in crypto from the start but I figure it is only a matter of time before the media starts lying about crypto in general in order to protect their banking and financial sector buddies - and this could be a very bad thing.


The fact that Phantom Menace was completely terrible aside, I remember when I first saw a preview for Episode 1 in a cinema. I was already a legal adult so yes, this does make me feel old.


This one makes me laugh just because of the silliness of it all. I'll tell you what though, if I had a chance to own this coffee table, I would definitely want it. What a conversation starter!


Last but definitely not least is this one and no, I don't know if Keanu actually said this but it does seem like him. I have spent the past 16 years living in a country that is not my own. The number of people that I have access to that I could potentially be friends with is very limited. Therefore I spend a lot of my time alone and honestly, it doesn't bother me a great deal. I have also been intentionally single for the past 2 and a half years. I don't have to be single, I have had plenty of offers. I'm not an incel or anything, I'm just not fussed with the whole relationship thing and am actually perfectly happy to not be with someone.

Some people find this strange but I find it to be completely normal. That's just how I feel.

Got any fun memes to share back? I'd love to see them if you do!

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