Random Topic Wednesday - (Are holidays for the students or actually for the teachers?)

Holidays have always been my favorite part of school, get to chill with your friends, spending late nights gaming and doing nothing all day every day. But I wonder what teachers do during the holidays?

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I remember a teacher I had at school, everyone hated her, she was a monster. The one day we asked her, "do you like children?" Her response stunned us, "Yes I love children" but what really shocked us was her facial expression.

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I wonder if she eats children...?

Jokes aside I spoke to one of my favorite teachers a few weeks before school holidays and he told me this, "everyone thinks school holidays are for the students, but really it is for us. If we did not get them we would probably kill them."

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After watching this video things really started to make a lot more sense, and I even connected some of what you see in the video to moments I remembered from class.

After watching a few more videos I found this:

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I could not stop laughing so cheers to all those great teachers out there who are still somewhat sane.

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