NEED HELP !! oKAY 2020 has made everything easier and it's life that is just a little more complicated :))

oKAY 2020 has made everything easier and it's life that is just a little more complicated :)) well for myself and a few people i know . How about your life have things been normal? Nowadays the rules change so often we don't know from the day to day whats next almost an orchestrated plot where gravity doesn't exist anymore on Tuesdays and i cannot explain why ... one day your living in the heat of the amazon jungle only to wake up next morning in the arctic and no time to complain because there are so many more events happening and one just seems to cascade into another on a daily basis it can only be amusing right? of course right have you seen a baseball or hockey game on tv lately it's really funny to see mannequins in the stadium seats :))) you can even hear them cheering them on lollll cmon that's gotta be funny and yes amusing for sure !


Work has also taken on some amusing aspects as well , a mask i required at the moment to enter all indoor public spaces such as stores but not outside and sick people should know better and stay home but somehow there always seems to be somebody who thinks they are an exception to the rule and spoil it for everyone, so the saga of 2020 continues on the backs of the confused and misinformed if there are any left or as i like to classify or refer to as just plain dum retards lol :))) and there's never a shortage of them of course ...


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