Dangerous bet, Catch a pike or eat Surströmming 🤮 !


I made a dangerous bet recently, with my wife’s sister husband. He’s from Kazakhstan and loves fishing, and I told him if we do not catch a pike when he is here I will eat Surströmming. For those who do not know, most people don’t even get to the point of eating this fish before they 🤮 puke.
It smells really really bad.

If you want you can check out this video to get an idea how bad it is. It’s some crazy Danish guys trying to eat it :
If this link doesn’t work search for Danes eating Surstromming. 1.3 million views. On YouTube.

Anyways, today we went fishing again and it was completely dead in the water. As they are leaving soon I prayed to Oden that I would catch some. And would you know, suddenly I had something on the hook. It was quite a fighter so I knew it was something rather big. Low on behold it was a pike!


Thanks Oden for saving my ass. I’m really happy I didn’t have to eat that Surströmming!

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