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FungiFriday- a variety of mushrooms that are unique and taste amazing

this my contribution to the #FungiFriday challenge hosted by @ewkaw

hello mushroom lovers, how are you all today, I hope you are all in good health always
and can keep up with everything smoothly

on this Friday, as usual, I will bring you some photos of extraordinary mushrooms with various growths, namely in white

because I prefer this white mushroom, because the growth style is also very unique, the growth of clusters of dead areca palm trees, that's why I took a photo shoot for me to display on #Fungifriday

and the types of mushrooms of that I share this time are still in the same family as Oudemansiella Mucida

although we can also find this type of oudemansiella mucida mushroom growing everywhere, because it grows during the rainy season, and grows on rotting wood trees, which is very easy for us to get. This mushroom grows on areca nut trees, which I often get

I found this mushroom in my garden, namely cocoa and areca nut gardens, I often cut betel nut trees, then the betel nut rots, and there are various types of mushrooms growing on the betel nut tree, but this time I saw that these mushrooms were growing very fresh and in groups, with a white color, not only is this mushroom unique, but it is very good for us to eat and tastes very sweet, and we can mix it with various vegetables, when we cook it

where we always come rain this is the right time to hunt mushrooms, because it's very easy for us to get various types of mushrooms that grow everywhere

when I found this mushroom, it was already covered with small flies, because on top of the umbrella the skin of this mushroom was slimy

This is the photo I also got, namely the fungus Polyporus alveolaris commonly known as
hegsagonal porous polypore is a fungus in the genus Polyporus, a fungus that grows on hard or dead wood

This mushroom has a very beautiful white and porous color

this is the result of the photo shoot that I present today I hope my friends can like it

thank you, hope to see you again next Friday

regards @herryson

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