
Indeed, fly agaric belongs to poisonous mushrooms and is unsuitable for any form. However, the fly agaric contains such chemical compounds that, in small quantities And with reasonable use, can successfully treat many ailments. So, the old recipes for the preparation of fly agaric tincture are well known, which successfully expands the veins and a number of other diseases. In our difficult time, when not every family can afford expensive pharmacy medicines, we are increasingly turning to the experience of our ancestors, who were treated with herbs and herbal medicines and lived a long time. In addition, treatment with chemicals can also cause the opposite effect, according to the principle "one is treated, the other is crippled." Plant and other natural raw materials contain natural, balanced medicines created by nature itself. That is why any, even the most poisonous organism, when used wisely, can be more healing than the most expensive pill. of treats rheumatism, gout, varicose veins.

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