Buying (and Selling) BEE - Flipping our way to a TRIBE!

BEE is the hive-engine token. You need it to make stuff work, like scotbot distribution and other engine offerings. WORKERBEE tokens give you some small amount of BEE once in a while, unless you have a massive hive of WORKERBEE tokens!

So how are the rest of us supposed to launch tribes and distribute our tokens? Staking ENG is also a way to get BEE, but I am unsure on the math of this.

We have decided to see if we can't flip our way to a tribe.


Why we think people will buy

Hive-Engine, formerly Steem-Engine is a team of 7! And maybe even more. There are some serious wizards there, and while I would like to code my own inflation pools as much as the next guy, well....

We'll let ARCHON and UFM Founder @taskmanager sum it up:


Because it is so many lines of code to write, it is most probably quite a bit cheaper to just suck it up and buy the BEE.

But at what price??

We would like to lessen or eliminate the habit of buying depreciating assets. We want to buy high quality assets at bargain prices!

But the call of Tribal Media is irresistible...


In an Age of Digital Media, can Tribes, with or without tokens, be the answer to the fragilization caused by globalization? We think so.

Team up.

Tribe Up!


If new tribes want to launch, there is going to be some bumps back up to the 1 HIVE peg for BEE.

Why we think people will sell

WORKERBEE mining token almost guarantees this.

Cross referencing the WORKERBEE richlist, we can see that all miners do the same thing when they get BEE - They sell it!


This is not advice, this is just History. Do your own homework and Happy Flippening!

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