Kali's Rainbow Supermoon


Last night, there was a very rare full moon. The moon of January 31, 2018 was a super moon (closest approach to Earth), a blue moon (second full moon in a month), and a blood moon (reddish color due to a total lunar eclipse). It was the first "Super Blue Blood Moon" in 150 years.

(Full saturation)

In the practice of Planetary Tantra, this moon cycle was associated with the Hindu goddess Kali from its position in relation to the real-sky constellations. Kali represents destruction, but also freedom and liberation. I view such rare occurences like this moon as the beginning and end point of cycles, so this association between the rare full moon to Kali is especially meaningful to me.

According to steemit astrologer extraordinaire @enchantedspirit this full moon in Leo also represents freedom (https://steemit.com/astrology/@enchantedspirit/the-full-moon-in-leo-opposing-the-aquarius-sun-2018). We usually think of freedom as the ability to do whatever we want, but the kind of freedom I associate this full moon with is liberating ourselves from the binds of our own pretending. We limit ourselves with outdated thought patterns, worn-out belief systems, and bad habits that debilitate us. Because they are comfortable and familiar to us, we lie to ourselves that they are not really hurting us but a part of ourselves that we cannot change. For me personally, I have recently faced many of my own illusions and delusions in recent weeks. The tranisitions were painful at first, but I now feel more healthy, balanced, clear-minded, and powerful than I ever have. Not only me personally, but many others I know have also began dealing with and owning their own pretenses since the beginning of this month.

As my life teammate Blair and I were gazing at this full moon last night, the brightness of Her rays was coming through the cloud cover between us to produce this dazzling 360 degree rainbow circle around the pearly orb in the sky. We saw this vision as a gift to us personally and a sign of what is to come.

With this gorgeous rainbow supermoon, may Kali descend upon all of us, laying waste to all pretending and freeing us all to realize humanity's potential.

Thanks for reading!
Light & Love, y'all!

(Original photo)
(Photo by @theblairwitch44 used with permission)

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