15 Benefits Of Guava

How are you steemians..!!!! I hope you all are in good health.
In my post this time i will tell you all about the benefits of consuming guava.guava is a common fruit and easy to get.the most important benefits of guava is contains vitamin C. As we know that vitamin C has so many advantages for our body,such as : helps protect body cells, helps maintain healthy connective tissue and also helps wound healing.
here are 15 benefits guava :

* ***Nourish the Skin*** * ***Prevent Premature Aging*** * ***Improve Body Immunity*** * ***Prevent Tumor and Inflammation*** * ***Prevent Cancer*** * ***Keep Blood Pressure*** * ***Good For Diabetics*** * ***Supports Eye Health*** * ***Improve the Digestive System*** * ***Increase the Amount Of Blood*** * ***Reduce Hypertension*** * ***Healthy Thyroid*** * ***Treat Constipation*** * ***Overcome Diarrhea*** * ***As a Medicine For Fever and Cough*** ![image]( **How guys...???** So, now you can often consume guava. Because guava provides tremendous benefits for us. This time just so many guys, hopefully my post can provide benefits and insight for you guys.don't forget to upvote and follow me ***@dians** thank you for all of you.
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