Lychee is my all time favourite fruit

Hello Foodies,

Happy Thursday Everyone! The weekend is near to hand and we are excited for this weekend because I have some plans to execute this time. I have a lot of on my plates which required 2-3 days to execute. There are some ingredients that I put in the fridge to make the content I want to shoot so I'm in hurry to use them before they get expired. Those ingredients are pretty expensive such as cherry tomatoes and cream cheese.

I'll share the detail here soon that what I have on my mind. For now, I'm about to finish fresh fruit from the fridge before all of the fruit get rotten. Lychee is my all time favourite fruit amongst all of the seasonal fruits after mangoes. Of course, mangoes are on the top priority list and I still have a lot of in the fridge to consume before its season end. Here I'm eating lychees which I peeled to eat in my comfort zone.


I had ordered few things from AliExpress 2 weeks ago which I received today. Happy receiving it in a pretty good condition that I wasn't expecting because this parcel came from China to Pakistan in a very bad packaging. What an irony if you receive the broken item and you won't get refunded easily. Well, this is pretty convenient for us to order from AliExpress which is not available here. I ordered mobile stand holder which was much needed. Also ordered digital thermometer to check the food temperature and another thing was a plastic 500ml bottle.


There was an emergency with my mother-in-law who was in a severe pain in teeth so we rush to dental clinic and they check-up and suggested to get root-canal treatment as soon as possible. So we had another session for her to get root canal done. She is still in pain a bit but everything will get settled as doctor suggests antibiotics to get relief from pain.



"Follow @foodchunk for more such recipes"

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💃 I blog about food recipes that are tested and tried. Follow me if you have the same niche. I would love to have a connection with you. 💃

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