the benefits of juice alpukatiapa do not know avocado fruit? Avocado is one of the many fruits that are very useful for the health of our bodies. Avocado has a unique fruit shape. The color of the skin is dark green and also the flesh that has the texture of butter and delicious. Avocado fruit also managed to become one of the favorite fruit to be consumed by various circles of society.

To consume avocados themselves, usually can be done in various ways. There are people who like to consume avocado without processed first, but there is also a processed avocado into various preparations, such as avocado juice and ice or fruit soup.

How to make avocado juice?

To make avocado juice itself very easy, you just need to prepare the avocado and some other complementary supplements. Here are the steps:

Prepare one avocado, scrape the meat until the fruit runs out
Put the avocado into the blender, then mix it with water, sugar and ice cubes. Do not forget to give a little salt to add flavor to the avocado juice.
You can also add other creations, such as milk chocolate
Blend until smooth
Drink while cool
Avocado juice has many health benefits for the body. What are the benefits? Here are some of the benefits of avocado juice:

• Energizes the body

*Avocado is one type of fruit that has high calories. By mixing the sugar in the avocado juice, you will get high energy. This energy can be utilized for everyday activities and also as a healthy snack on the hours.

• Able to maintain heart health

Avocado juice is very good for maintaining heart health. By preserving heart health well, then the blood supply to the whole body will become more fluent. Then you will be spared from various disorders related to heart health, such as heart attack and coronary heart disease.

• Good for diet program

Are you following a diet program? If so the benefits of avocado juice is also effective to support the diet program you are doing. With high levels of vitamins and nutrients, such as fiber, protein, and other high minerals, avocado juice is very effective to help diet program.

• Can set blood sugar levels

Avocado juice is also very good for those of you who have diabetes. This is because avocado juice is able to control blood sugar levels in the body

• Have good fat, which can be used to balance chestrol cholesterol in the body

You have symptoms of cholesterol disease? If so avocado juice is very good for you. Avocado juice has a very high fat content. This right can be a counterweight to the cholesterol and bad fats that are in your body.

• Helps nourish the skin from the inside

*Avocado juice has a high vitamin E content. With this high vitamin E content, avocado juice can help to nourish the skin from the inside, which is useful for:

Maintain skin moisture
Brighten the skin
Lifting dead skin cells
Keeps skin smooth*

• Good for eye health

Avocado juice also has high vitamin A content, although not as high as carrots. Vitamin A is of course very good for eye health. This right can also prevent various disorders or diseases that affect eye health.

• Prevent birth defects

Avocado fruit is known to contain folate. Folate is very important, especially for pregnant women to maintain the health of the fetus and also optimize the development of the fetus. In addition, folate can also help prevent disability in babies when born later.

• May prevent inflammation

*Avocado juice also has a good content as an anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory. With the benefits of avocado juice that is consumed regularly, then you will be protected from inflammation in your body organs.

Anti-bacteria and anti-germs

Avocado juice is also very effective to prevent various diseases caused by bacteria and germs that enter the body. Avocado juice can ward off and also prevent bacteria and germs from entering your body.*

• Ward off free radicals

Another benefit is avocado juice can counteract free radicals, which can cause various health problems, can also cause premature aging or aging process.

• Prevent cancer

Avocado juice also has excellent benefits to prevent cancer and also slow the growth of cancer in the body. Want to avoid cancer? Drink avocado juice regularly.

• Lowering blood pressure

For those of you who suffer from hypertension, the benefits of avocado juice also have an excellent benefit for lowering your blood pressure. In this way, the various symptoms of hypertension such as dizziness, headache, and easily tired will disappear by itself.

• Reduce the risk of stroke

Avocado juice is very good for maintaining heart health. It is closely related to the smoothness of blood circulation and also minimizes the blockage of blood vessels. Blockage of blood vessels is one cause of the appearance of stroke.

• The highest protein among fruits

Avocado fruit is the fruit that has the highest protein content among all types of fruit. By drinking avocado juice, it means almost the same as you drink protein, which is very good for the body, especially in binding fat and also build muscle body.

• Good for digestive health

*Fiber content in avocado juice is also very good for maintaining digestive health. You will avoid a variety of disorders of digestion, such as:

Constipation and constipation
Difficult urination*

• Good for healthy bones and teeth

Benefits of avocado juice has vitamin K content and also high calcium. Both of these substances will certainly be very good for your bone health, and also can prevent the emergence of various kinds of bone health disorders, such as osteoporosis and also calcification of bone


Carrot juice is known as one source of vitamin A is good for eye health. However, it turns out this one juice is not only good for eye health. There are a series of other benefits you can get from this type of tubers.

Nutrition contained in one glass of carrot juice

According to the United States Department of Agriculture's National Nutrient Database, one glass of carrot juice generally contains:

94 calories
2.24 grams of protein
0.35 gr fat
21.90 gr of carbohydrate
1.90 gr of fiber
689 mg of potassium
20.1 mg of vitamin C
0.217 mg thiamine
0.512 mg of vitamin B6
2,256 micrograms (μg) of vitamin A
36.6 μg of vitamin K
Various benefits of carrot juice

Here are the various benefits of carrot juice that you must know in addition to maintaining eye health.

• Lowering the risk of cancer

Cancer develops when abnormal cells form and multiply uncontrollably. The content of antioxidants in carrots help stop cell damage due to the development of cancer cells. In one study, carrot juice extract was used for 72 hours in the treatment of leukemia cells and nontumor control cells that stimulated cell death.

The results showed that carrots contain an effective bioactive chemical to stop the progression of the disease and treat leukemia.

Another study also found that foods rich in beta-carotene may lower a person's risk of developing prostate cancer.

The high content of rubber in the juice can help reduce the overall risk of breast cancer. Studies conducted on people with this disease see that the content of rubber can reduce the risk of oxidative stress and inflammation in the blood. During the study, participants consumed 8 ounces of carrot juice or equivalent to 227 grams daily for 3 weeks. The result, the levels of oxidative stress in the body associated with breast cancer risk is much lower than before.

• Supporting a healthier pregnancy

Drinking carrot juice during pregnancy is very beneficial for you and the fetus. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), pregnant and lactating women need 1,000 mg of calcium per day. The content of calcium, folate, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin A can strengthen the baby's bone in the womb and prevent birth defects. In addition, vitamin C and vitamin A in carrot juice also act as antioxidants in pregnancy. Antioxidants protect mothers and fetuses from exposure to free radicals and boost the immune system to reduce the risk of infection.

• Strengthen brain function

Beta-carotene in carrot juice can strengthen brain function and improve memory. Oxidative stress caused by air pollution and other factors can contribute to damage to brain cells and nerve cells. This condition is able to weaken the nerve signals and reduce cognitive function of the brain. Not only that, this substance is also useful to reduce the risk of dementia with age.

A study was conducted on 10 workers exposed to lead. They were given 10 mg of beta-carotene for 12 weeks. As a result, the group of workers receiving the beta-carotene intake had lower levels of oxidative stress. Therefore, drinking one glass of carrot juice every day can reduce the risk of damage to the cells and nerves of the brain due to oxidative stress.

• Strengthen the immune system

Carrots contain antioxidants that can help the body fight free radicals, cell damage, and inflammation. So vitamin C in a glass of carrot juice can encourage the immune system to be able to ward off attacks of diseases such as flu and other immune diseases.

• Increase metabolism

Carrot juice can increase the secretion of bile that can increase the body's metabolism. According to a 2006 study conducted on a mouse, giving carrot juice can increase the flow of bile that contributes to increase body metabolism. Increased metabolism in the rat body has an effect on weight loss. Researchers say, similar results are also likely to be experienced by humans.

In addition, carrot juice also includes a filling low-calorie drink. So, can be an alternative for you who are in the diet program.

• Beneficial for skin health

If you have a history of skin problems such as rash or psoriasis, then eating carrot juice is the right choice. Its vitamin C content can improve the look of your skin.

In addition, beta-carotene in carrots also reduce inflammation of the skin that can accelerate the healing process. Beta-carotene is also effective against skin damage caused by sunlight. Carotene and lycopene present in carrots are also useful for maintaining and treating skin health.

• Lowering cholesterol

Carrots are a good source of potassium. Usually, people who do low-cholesterol diet of foods consumed high will potassium. Therefore, regular consumption of carrot juice can help you maintain cholesterol levels in the blood. Low cholesterol levels reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Make your own carrot juice at home is recommended compared to buying it outdoors. In addition to more healthy and hygienic, you can also create your own carrot juice to your taste. After knowing the various benefits for the body, there is no excuse not to not try to put this healthy drink into your daily menu?

Here are some benefits of dragon fruit juice, including:

  1. In the dragon fruit juice contains vitamin B3 is high enough, so it is very nutritious in helping to lower high cholesterol levels in the blood.

  2. Dragon fruit juice also has a soluble fiber content that is very effective in helping to lose weight, because the content can launch the digestive tract and launched a bowel movement. So that the fat content that sticks in the intestine can participate dissolve and carried out.

  3. The content of beta-carotene in the dragon fruit juice is not less high with the content of beta-carotene contained in carrots, so it is very powerful in improving eye health. Consuming dragon fruit juice on a daily basis, it is believed to be very effective in sharpening eyesight.

  4. Dragon fruit has antioxidant compounds produced from vitamin C content is high enough, antioxidant compounds are very powerful in counteracting free radical attacks that can prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.

  5. If you want to look beautiful, you can try drinking dragon fruit juice regularly every day. Because the full nutritional content can improve skin health and prevent skin problems such as acne, dry skin, dull skin and other skin problems from within. For outside treatments, you can also memaskerkan dragon fruit juice on the skin.

  6. The content of vitamin C is high enough to also keep the immune system, so the body will not get sick easily due to the turn of the season.

  7. While the calcium and phosphorus content in dragon fruit can maintain bone health and prevent bone diseases such as osteoporosis, accelerate the healing of broken bones and other bone disease problems.

  8. Consume dragon fruit juice regularly during pregnancy, highly efficacious in improving maternal and fetal health. In addition, its folic acid content can accelerate the growth of brain tissue in the fetus and prevent the fetus from developing neural tube defects and prevent premature born babies.


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