Its a shame...

Let's see If I have the time to write something before I hit the bed. Looks like I do...

Hello Everyone,
I hope you all are doing great and here I am still unable to figure out how to get the things out of my mind and onto a paper (Notepad, MS Doc, Libre Writer) or somewhere.

See this is the kind of mess I am in. I know there is a story somewhere in my head that needs to be told. But I can't even think of a beginning for that. It's such a shame that you will never know how a tragic character becomes a hero and fights for what's right and loses. But still able to smile at his loss for he had inspired others. Even though he dies alone, he dies happy knowing that he has done his part. I may never be able to pen this story. I am not sure why is it so important for me.

Now coming back to this post. This is something that is equivalent to my monthly workout. (Pushup x25). In fact, Let's try an experiment. I will try to complete 25 Pushups in one go and I will write a Post of 500.

(Push Up started)

I am still not sure what the next sentence is going to be, but I am trying very hard to hit the 500 words mark. Because if I miss that, I am not sure I can make a comeback. It's like the overweight dude who gets on the weighing scale and gets disappointed after seeing (98Kgs) on the display and giving up thinking this is the new me. And I have to make do. It seems like there is no option left for him. But he has a choice. He can either sit and watch netflix, Hotstar, prime, something like that, Or he can get up from his ass and get to the workouts. By Starting small. Like taking the steps instead of using the elevator or walking a small distance before catching the bus home. Making the small things/ steps into habit. And letting that habit shape you...

(Damn it the word count is still 300)!!!

How lazy have I become, checking the counter after typing every word? This is not me. When did I become this person. I used to love writing, Have I lost the will to write? Or did I mess it up but setting some unachievable expectation. When did the writing turn into a monster to me? I need to find something that can revive me. Because the person who is writing the post is not inuke but a ghost. A ghost of inuke.

I really feel sorry towards Aashish, The poor fellow never got closure over his tragedy. And so many other characters whom I know very well. None of them got proper treatment from me. Maybe that's the reason I am unable to write, Maybe the fear of letting them down has overtaken my drive to tell the story.
Maybe story writing is not my thing.

Hey!! But If "the hottest director" is an award category in Bollywood then f$$% yeah, I am a writer.

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