Sun Worshipper


Asking for it. Skin cancer, wrinkles and sun spots apparently. But I’m sorry I won’t be afraid of the very thing that gives us life and brings me energy, joy and thus far has made me just look better. For someone who has dealt with various skin issues her whole life and very rarely burns, the sun is my ride or die, best friend forever.

I’m baffled by the hysteria and fear mongering regarding being in the sun. The experts out there are pretty much saying that you should wear sun protection even inside at winter time if you are close to windows, never go in the mid day sun but if you have to, wear a hat and a gallon of spf which you need to re-apply every two hours.

Everything in moderation of course but jesus christ try living in the north where in the wintertime you might not even see the sun for two months in a row, see how good you’ll look and feel when deprived of the sun. We NEED it and no amount of vitamin D supplement will replace it. People in general spend way too little time outside in the fresh air, so I think making the mortals fear the sun is doing no good for the health of the general population. We have way bigger problems than the sun, or Covid but that’s another topic.

Go outside, get fresh air, see the sun, have a long walk, drink something else than soda, coffee and alcohol all the time and eat your greens, and spend time with your loved ones!!

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