Freewriting: 5 Minute Prompt; Gnarled Trees.

Hiking through the forest, Michael stepped with trepidation to avoid falling. The roots of the gnarled trees snaked around the woodland ground like a den of vipers; stiff appendages gripping the ground to anchor the colossal denizens of the forest.

“Come on, Josie, just a few more feet.” Michael offered a hand to his companion and supported her as she followed closely behind him.

“This place better be worth it.” Josie remarked, struggling to find her footing.

“If it’s anything like I remember it was as a kid, it will take your breath away.” Michael grinned at Josie, his face beaming with a sincere warmth that washed over Josie like a wave.

Prompt provided here: @mariannewest/day-1291-5-minute-freewrite-tuesday-prompt-gnarled-trees

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