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Phone or no phone?


Yesterday was a spectacularly unproductive day for me, so I'm starting this one off right. A freewrite, timed and no cheating, first thing in the morning. @fitinfun would approve.

Well, not first thing. I had already tended my flock, walked my dog, fed my dog and cat, distributed medications and food to my son, filed some paperwork, sent one medical email, made one medical call, wished a dear friend happy birthday, and drunk some lukewarm coffee accompanied by the toasted and heavily buttered raisin bread I made yesterday.

Oh wait, that means yesterday was not spectacularly unproductive, I made bread!

I'm on a mission to get enough raisins into a loaf of bread. There are never enough raisins. I got closer this time as the picture shows, but there are still gaps with no raisins in them. I want at least one raisin in every single bite.

Back to the prompt, headphones. I actually had to look up "headphones". I needed to find out if they have anything to do with making phone calls. I don't use them you see, although I have bought a great many of them for my offspring. But I don't like to not be able to hear what is going on around me, and I don't like background music because it is distracting, and I don't use them.

So this is my explanation of why I had to look up what "headphones" even are. Even though I knew full well what they are. Why are they called "phones" I wonder?

This is my entry to @mariannewest's freewrite challenge

I went back to my original method of writing for 4:30 and then taking my dear sweet time proofreading, not editing. I took out a lot of annoying exclamation points this time. Thank you for reading.