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One absent month

... if I would have that then it would be for me , one whole month vacation.

But knowing me I would be having this vacation in the jungle !
Yea you read correctly , the jungle of Suriname

Two reasons:

  1. Suriname is still 93% jungle, I was raised in a western village surrounded by jungle but that village was also founded middle of the jungle and swamp - I was always fascinated by life in the jungle. You always find something new.
  2. I fell in love with storytelling and cinematography - So i would love to make my own documentaries.
    So I would definetly document everything I find in the one month vacation in jungle and maybe drop them on TrackDrip or Fiadoo as episodes.

One month absent = one month vacation in the jungle for me.
What would be yours ? Let me know!

As always, grantangi !