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Day 69: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: grounding - My Entry


"Take this!!!" he was shouting as he thrust something towards me in his outstretched hand. I had blood streaming down my face mixing with the rain and I had to struggle to hear him over the din.

My senses clearing now, I focused on what he was holding. As the lightning flashed I caught glimpses of what looked like a spool of thread on some kind of a stick. It had a pommel that was glowing from inside with an eerie sort of amber light.

Now he was pointing at a large tree on the bank of the river. I gathered there was something he wanted me to do after we tied up to the dock. Careful not to lose my footing on the slimy stone steps I staggered out of the boat and made my way towards the ghostly tree.

As I was pondering what I was supposed to do with this strange bauble I could hear him yell "Make sure you get the grounding right or we're all crispy!". He was making motions that led me to believe the stick went in the ground and the thread was to be attached to the tree.

Well, here goes nothing...

Thanks to @mariannewest for organizing such a great event;

Image provided by pixabay user: 95C