The Chihuahua - a fiction free for all for Freewrite #373 - hate

Hi everyone! This is my 74th 5 minute freewrite. (Disclaimer: these usually take me significantly longer than 5 minutes to write and edit šŸ˜‰). Today's prompt was "hate".

Come join in the fun at @freewritehouse! Many thanks to @mariannewest for hosting this wonderful daily freewrite :)


The Chihuahua

"Oh whatever, he doesn't want me anyway", Jeanine said dismissively, fluttering a hand in the air as if her left ear were being attacked by a hyperactive mosquito.

"Yeah, but... shouldn't you tell him?" Stacey objected. "I mean, that's just the ethics of it right? If the two of you are supposed to be exclusive..."

"Give it a rest Stacey", Leslie moaned. "Those two have been over for months and they both know it. Things don't have to always be spelled out so formally."

"Ok, so if it's really over, why not just say something?" retorted Stacey. "Wouldn't it be good to at least make a clean break?"

"Because Jeanine likes driving that Maserati, and there's still half a year left before it's payed off", Angela said with a wink.

"Right", Jeanine agreed, lounging back in her chair like a fashion model chasing the dragon, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Plenty of time for a clean break. No need to rush it..."

"He does love you though", Angela mused, swirling the straw in her iced Irish coffee. "He hasn't been seeing anybody else. Brian and I would know, we're always hanging out with him. He just... you know, ever since the breakdown, he's been trying to keep things low key." She eyed Jeanine. "And in no world," she teased, her eyes dancing mischievously, "are you low key".

Jeanine laughed. "No", she replied, taking another sip of frozen margarita, "No, I suppose not".

Stacey shook her head. "You're gonna break his heart", she said sadly.

Leslie gasped. "Wait!!!!" she exclaimed, slurring just slightly as she rounded on Stacey. "Wait just a minute you little whore. YOU LIKE HIM! Ha! THAT'S why you keep talking like that. I knew it! I knew there was something!"

Stacey actually blushed. "What? No. No way, I just feel sorry for him".

"Uh-huh", Leslie replied smugly. "So how long have you had a thing for Jeanine's guy?".

Stacey bristled "He's not her guy Leslie, obs, if she's seeing somebody else!"

Leslie slammed her empty scotch glass down on the table, sending ice chips flying. "You DO have a crush on him!" she roared triumphantly, rounding on Stacey. "Ok, well, to settle that question, they're technically still together, even if it doesn't really mean anything since Jeanine's a horrible person and she's fucking that hot Brazilian guy behind his back. And, also, they were actually bona fide together for almost the past two years. So you answer my question now, little miss perfect. How long?"

Jeanine was shaking with laughter. "I love you guys!" she choked out, "Please don't ever stop being so entertaining..."

Angela nodded in agreement, gazing affectionately around at everyone. "Yeah me too", she said. "Sunday brunches are the best!"

Stacey bit her lip, then turned to Jeanine. "I am kinda hot for him", she confessed meekly.

Jeanine only laughed harder. "I know! You've always been into him, ever since forever!"

For a second Stacey looked like she was going to protest. Then she lowered her head, trying to hide a smile. "I guess so", she mumbled into her cider.

A chihuahua in a spiked collar was barking bloody murder at a chattering squirrel in a nearby tree, attracting stares and raised eyebrows. The hipster girl who had been walking it picked it up hastily, flashed them an apologetic smile, and hurried away.

"I fucking hate little dogs", Leslie snarled.

"Yeah, little fuckers suck", Angela agreed.

"Hate 'em hate 'em hate 'em", Jeanine said, staring daggers down the street at the hipster girl's back.

"Fucking squirrels too", muttered Leslie. "Obnoxious little tree rats."

"I kinda thought it was cute..." said Stacey in a small voice.

Everybody turned to stare at her. For about 10 seconds she managed to keep a straight face. Then she burst out laughing.

They all threw things at her.

Ā©2018 Bennett Italia, all rights reserved.


Horizontal rulers courtesy @cryptosharon


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