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The Split Of The Two Me’s


Sometimes I feel

as though there are two me's,
one coasting directly on top of the other: the superficial me, who nods when she's supposed to nod and says what she's supposed to say, and some other, deeper part, the part that worries and dreams...

Most of the time they move along in sync and I hardly notice the split, but sometimes it feels as though I'm two whole different people and I could rip apart at any second.”

But even though how frustrating and depressing my situation could be, God wants us to be happy.

which is why he created things that will give happiness and delight to man. But people must know the greatest happiness that God will provide for the man and how to attain it.

To better understand please watch this video:

Being cheerful keeps you healthy.
It is slow death to be gloomy all the time.—Proverbs 17:22 Todays English Version

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