Why do we need a president?  Or any other political leader for that matter.  Be your own leader.

Everyone can feel it... The sense that deep inside we know we are living in a dying archaic system that has run its course. But just as is the way of nature and life, out of death comes the birth of something new.

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why do we have a president? From a young age we are taught or "programmed" most of our belief structures and ways of thinking and behaving early on according to doctors and researchers. Many people have become too comfortable or lost in this fake world that has been created for us to stop and question everything and think for ourselves.

In this new age the birth of the Internet has given a potential platform to each and everyone of us to have a voice and a choice. Gone are the days when information was scarce and communication was thousands of times slower than it is in our modern day. Now with the ability for all of us to connect with each other instantly almost anywhere it gives us a completely new powerful tool that can and is changing the world as we know it. We now all have the power to individually voice our thoughts concerns hopes wishes and dreams on any subject or with any person we would like. As such it is time to use this powerful tool to our advantage and work together for the betterment of us all and for our future together.

Is it not time now to create a way to link everyone to special, specific, and completely unique identity online? An identity that only represents you such as how each person is linked to their social security number. And with this online identity you log in to the global network system of issues and ideas and concerns that affect us all from the major global level such as wars and conflicts between countries to the regional level as with deciding whether or not to build an oil pipeline through several states, and to the local level for example deciding if more funding is needed for local infrastructure or schools. With our login that is linked uniquely to us we vote on any or all issues that affect us or are important to us or we feel we want to have a say in. In this new system a tally of all votes for any particular issue is held in plain public view real time for all to see and each and every vote can be traced and tracked to a unique real person identity to eliminate the possibility of fraud or manipulation. Any and all topics and important issues are shown in public trending in plain view or by categories that might interest you or directly impact or affect you and your life. A vote for an issue is held open for a certain time and after a certain period it us closed and a majority rules system would decide whether an issue is approved or not depending on the situation of course. Perhaps for most instances a rule of 60% majority in favor would mean a go ahead with whatever the topic or issue at hand might be. In this system we all have a voice and each and everyone of our votes count.

By following this model we can completely change life and the reality we live in as we know it. The best part is that we all become important and valuable and even more no one person is any more important or influential than any other person. The implications of this are vast and far reaching. First of all, it will destroy the power held by all the ruling political class around the world. No longer would we need a president or official or any one man that makes decisions that will affect 350 million people or more as here in the United States or even billions in other countries across the seas. No longer will giant corporations or special interest groups or lobbyists have any more power or influence to get politicians to create laws or make favorable decisions that benefit their corporations and interests. Now all the power would go from a very select few that run the world to everyone!

As we transition to the new age one of our first and most important problems we face is our governing structure and the right to live as free souls ... To live and let live. It's an idea whose time has come and may even be long overdue according to many. We all should be allowed to do as we please, to be truly free people, to be able to do what we want with our time, our body, and our life. No one should tell you what you can or can't eat or smoke or do in anyway to or with your body. It's time to let the government and politicians know they need to stop telling everyone how they should live their lives and what they can or can't do. We should all have the liberty to go where our heart takes us. There should be one universal law that states you can do whatever you want with your life and freedom as long as you are not encroaching on anyone else's life or freedoms in any way then you are free to do as you please.

We are all intelligent free beings and adults and we do not need an invisible father figure standing over us all telling us what we can and can't do. At the same time those who have come to rely on the government or other institutions to provide for them or give them direction or tell them what to do with their life and time will need to face the fact that they must learn to stand on their own two feet. No one should want to be a slave or in an invisible prison as many are in the current system. Let your heart guide you to the things that interest you and build and grow in those areas. We all have something to contribute and give to this world and society and the time has come for us to evolve to the next level as a civilization. And this beautiful invention and powerful new tool we call the Internet has given birth to amazing ideas such as this very site. We now have a chance to change the world for the better. For our children and their children and for all of us as free beings on this planet. We must have the courage to make this next step because otherwise we will fall with the current dying system and our children will continue to be born in a world and system with no hope that is progressively failing and will eventually collapse and die. Instead of continuously finding and building better ways to kill and control each other which will eventually lead to our demise, let's realize we are all here together and working together no matter where you are from or what you look like. In this way we can wake up one day in a world that is truly free and help to build each other up instead of take down destroy and control one another. It's time to work together as mankind for the betterment of all of us and begin to look at issue's in this way because it is the only viable option for an incredible free future for us all. Be your own leader and individual, think for yourself, follow your heart dreams and wishes. In this way we all will find happiness doing what we love and most important of all the freedom to make these choices.

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