Comparing Clif High to a real truth teller - one calls out the truth and the other conceals it - you guess which is which..

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I've watched so many people fawn at the feet of Clif High in the last year, it makes me nauseous. Sure, some of them are just after getting their crypto picks from Clif (despite his historically horseshit record for anything non-crypto-related), but a number of people treat Clif like some intellectual demi-god. I mean just check out these types of BS "genius" memes being bandied about on the Internet regarding Clif:


I'm not going to say that Clif isn't intelligent, but "smartest man in the world", really? Clearly some people need to get out more and start doing some critical thinking themselves. Unfortunately though, most people are looking for others to do their thinking for them. They seem to especially like "thought leaders" like Clif who act like they know all the answers and can still be fully confident even when they are spewing total BS. Don't believe me? Have a watch of the interview below (at 9:29) where the FakeX rocket is agreed to be complete BS and Clif still goes along with the BS Mars trip, the BS vertical landing, and the BS Tesla in space as being the "real deal". Excuse me while I vomit a little..

Below is another FakeX shot that surfaced, but of course Clif is sure it's all "on the level" just as any loyal Freemason would agree. This is because all NAShole Astro-Nots are Freemasons (including the FakeX ones) and they are required to support their Freemasonic brethren in their BS lies about space travel.

Astro-Nots using green screens

Astro-Not Freemasons revealed

Even a Simpson's "nod" to world Freemasonic manipulation

Clif High's typical symbolism

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Clif fails multiple "sniff tests" very badly

If you don't believe that Clif is at least a practitioner of the Freemasonic "Craft" and not to be trusted then you need to have a read of my previous post on Clif covering a number of the things that just don't add up with him. (Be sure to read the comments section as well.) There's a lot of suspicious shit surrounding Clif including:

  • Suspicious background - Clif High (possibly a pseudonym) admits that his father was quite high up in military intelligence (where members are almost always in secret societies) and that his mother was descended from pirates and Templars (which was historically the same group of people as the highest British Freemasons)

  • Suspicious beliefs - Clif admits that he practices Magick as a sorcerer and calls the Freemasonic Craft "pristine". He also has had the need in the past to make it very clear that he is NOT a Christian. (I could care less if it wasn't that he seemed to go out of his way to emphasize it)

  • Suspicious symbolism - Clif uses very questionable symbols and messaging like a dancing skeleton (think skull and crossbones as well as a dead man dancing to a Pied Piper tune), the Haida raven (which represents the Haida trickster god, the Joker, and the Pied Piper, as well as Lucifer), and a transhumanist website name ("Half Past Human" certainly has a transhumanist meaning). And if you think this symbolism goes unnoticed and unplanned by Clif, think again. All those that follow the Craft of Freemasonry live by symbolism and they know exactly what it means. Have a look at the back of a dollar bill and remember that this was the work of Freemasons too. It's essentially complex gang signs / territorial dog piss for the Luciferian elite

  • Support for suspicious people and tokens - Clif goes out of his way to interview and support some very questionable tokens such as Reggie Middleton's Veritaseum - a token on a single tiny exchange and owned and controlled fully by Reggie. This coin would be nowhere without Clif since there is nothing at all behind it except air at this point. Clif also supports the Pillar token which is about as Big Brother scary as you can get since they want to put all your most personal information in one blockchain wallet. The Pillar token is a sub-project of the 2030 Project (think UN Agenda 2030) and its leader, a Stanford University computer science graduate (think Stanford intelligence agency connections) who has been talking about using Pillar via a chip in your wrist in the future. I have a lot more to say about Pillar here. What kind of (Freemasonic?) relationship does Clif have with these people and tokens that are getting special support from him?

  • Support from suspicious sources - The History Channel even did a short segment on the Web bot. This is the same History channel that is a known disinformation channel for providing fake history to the masses. Why would they choose to support Clif with a segment on his Web bot?

  • Suspiciously absent warnings about present dangers - For the supposed tech expert that he is, Clif never mentions a thing about the potential dangers of cryptos and their NWO purpose nor about the suspicious beginnings of Bitcoin. This is all just FUD to him and his entranced minions. Clif also never mentions almost anything about the inherent dangers in almost any new NWO tech whether that be the planned chipping of everything, the smart grid, AI, nanotech, 5G, WiFi, vaccinations, chemtrails, UN Agenda 2030, or just about any other topic that we should all be very concerned about. Sure, he pushes C60 night and day as a distracting snake oil cure all, but he also ignores almost every other required health response to the other dangers around us. All required societal responses are very suspiciously absent or even poo pooed as unnecessary concerns like his previous denials of the dangers of the Internet of Things

What a real truth teller looks like

In stark contrast to Clif, I want to show you what a real truth teller looks like. Joe Imbriano is an incredibly knowledgeable expert on loads of soon to be arriving NWO threats to us and our society. Everybody wants to talk about how smart Clif is, well have a listen as well to Joe and decide who is really worth listening to.

The difference between Joe and Clif is immediately apparent. Joe holds back no punches and tells you exactly like it is and what you need to do about it. Joe is a committed Christian who is truly concerned about the future of humanity and what is being planned for us. Joe doesn't sell anything, and he provides loads of free and extremely insightful information on his website here:

We need to question everyone and everything that we hear and inform ourselves as far as we can on every important topic.

We need to stop being sycophantic minions that want to have someone to think for us and start thinking for ourselves on every topic that confronts us - even if we don't yet know anything about it.

We need to support real truth tellers (and not suspicious gurus / pied pipers) that can prove regularly that they are giving us all the relevant info and pointing us in the right direction.

We each need to start taking the responsibility to warn and support as many other people as we can regarding what is being planned for us by the Luciferian elite before it's too late to stop it.

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