Giving Yourself A Break


It is ok to...

not have it all figured out in one day, or 2 or however many days it takes. Often we put arbitrary time limits on situations or goals. There can be a feeling of not doing enough or succeeding. Ideas and feelings of failure, whether self imposed or coming from outside pressure, can make us feel hurried in our decision making.

Stepping back and allowing life to unfold on it's own natural rhythms can also raise a challenge for some who are used to constantly "doing". If possible, and you have the time and space to take a break, there is great reward in doing no assessment, evaluation, judgement or activity of whatever you are working with. If there are tasks that need to be done, take care of them, but don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself to have your whole life figured out right now today.

The message is relax, take as much time as you need and let life unfold. There may be signs and signals that are being overlooked and just stopping may be all it takes.

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