2019 is gone... Let's pump 2020!



My 2019 was 💥crazy!

Have you recently been on leave, taking a time off work and other daily things? I have! And I am slowly getting back to life (even still on leave). But just recalling for a few seconds about 2019 makes me get completely overwhelmed about what I lived in such short amount of time. I can't possibly make a post you all would be "whiling" to read if I would drag such feat into the STEEM world. In any case, I am going to share a couple of the highlights.

⏳ Last year (2019)

I remember it all started with crypto going down... way down as much as I was NOT expecting, but either way, predictable. There was no learning curve here, besides the fact that I was learning new things about regulations of crypto and what the year could become.

Then, besides all my work progression that I can't possibly explain to most of you, the year took a very rewarding family theme. I have got connected with my family better than ever and both discovered new challenges and cherished for loved ones.

Lastly at the end of year my life completely gave a 360 degree turn, and now I living the first days of 2020, resulted from that turn. Life does not wait for you! You need to grab it... as soon as you can.

Note: For all my readers. I am not at all a "life extreme" person, but if took outside of my comfort zone, I usually become a survivor and an anarchist at the same time. That does not mean I become stupid, but instead, that I become someone you probably are not expecting. That can be good, or bad. Depending on what you wish to do with my poor soul.

🐒 Lately

You have probably stumbled into several (or some) of my posts about crypto cards. What is the big deal for me? Simple... I am now using crypto daily on my routines, because of them. Therefore my wish to underline the efforts of those businesses or initiatives that caused greater good to the society.

If you have not yet heard about crypto cards that can ease the pain of using crypto into the real world, please have a look at one of my latest posts about it. If you have any questions or disagreements, please let me know. Don't hesitate on starting a weird conversation with me.

Where are we going? 🎯Targets?

In 2019 I had a lot more crypto "traffic" than what I am seeing in 2020. To be fair, I think this is healthy, The euphoric bloom of hypes is finally running off. People are now getting more into what they know form the old world. Markets are day by day becoming more "predictable" in terms of market reactions and less due to euphoric feelings (not that there aren't still crazy markets, ok?).

2020 for me, will be a regulating year. Just like 2019, but with the emphasis of onboarding new countries and expanding to businesses everywhere. The fact that it didn't happen yet, is just a matter of time.

The other interesting point about 2020 is the under-developed countries. These are going to be, in my view the biggest investment nuggets of 2020. For several reasons. They have way more dynamic rules/laws that don't collide with other organizations or government agendas (like Europe for example), and they have needs or trends that justify making expensive old processes superseded. Simply because they are expensive and not fully adaptable (all times) to the businesses or needs of the economy system in place.

WhaT ABOUT 💸 Crypto?

Really? Haven't you seen or been enough around to understand what will happen to crypto?

Yes, it's here to stay. Forever... if you wish to bet with me. Or with the entire crypto community if you wish. We will win. Banks will have to either become blockchain enabled, or face destruction.

Why? simple... it's cheaper!

But, is it more 🔐 secure?

Yes, it is, but just because someone gives you the keys of your mustang and you never see it again, does mean it is less secure... it's just a different way of calling you "Stupid" for giving away something you should have not trust dearly.

Crypto is just a heads up in towards to showing Human kind, how blind they are becoming. Same kind of thing as showing everyone that if you just look at you phone, you might forget how it is to go somewhere and watch the view instead.

What next about bitcoin🤑?

Not sure the future of bitcoin to be honest, but currently I see it as a resource. Just like digital gold. But easier to trade...

Other cryptos? Well, a pool of knowledge to be honest. They are the essence of th edge of the world in terms of technology about blockchain in finance at least.

It is true that blockchain technology is changing and making their ways to new paradigms, but that does not mean they are the solution to everything. Blow your head if you think they are. I love crypto and blockchain, but I was always certain (like I know any other thing) that you can't solve one thing with one technology. That's experience I guess. Maybe one day... when we are all doomed.

💡 New things...

I have met or learned about a few new things in the last months... although because I have been mostly on leave, they might not be as new as most might think.

Lately I have been just playing off with Storj and the new codes that allow you to win some tokens by providing a node. And while being very positively impressed so far, I still need more time to make up my mind.

I know other technologies with the same economical principles and they all sort of failed to me as business. So, this one, has now raised again and is looking at "what it can do" with the community it has. Its probably one of the oldest ones, so it might carry very experienced people in the community with it.

Anyway, I will probably share a post sometime later when it makes your eyes "bloom".

💖 STEEM...

I have been more inclined to think about ways to buy STEEM. Specially using other blockchains technologies. Not sure if this is your view (that STEEM is a very attractive asset to buy or include in your businesses) but I am probably (very late) understanding that his could be very good opportunity.

So, let me know if there would be something you would like to do and you have STEEM to use for it, or would like to buy STEEM using several other "values". Contact me via either encrypted memo or via any of the many other ways I am easily known.

Just as an example. You have a coupon you wish to get or something you don't have access right now or because of your location. Let me know, let's see if I can manage to get it, and in exchange of STEEM, you will get that via me.

Let's call this a courier work. You ask, I make the price, and if you accept I am in! Anyone is welcome. State your terms and lets have fun.

Right... See you around 🙂

Embrace crypto, learn crypto, use crypto and then enjoy it!

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Cryptocurrency 💳Cards


by @forykw

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