French Maid Lingerie photography with a splash of philosophy by Craig Grant

Inhale the future and exhale the past, do it NOW.

Any person I think is smarter than me, is actually 999% more smarter than me, because I have no idea.

I beat the game LIFE by facing the big boss named SELF.

The word illusion is the fearful way of saying the word reflection.

Sight is negative balance of Light, as there are unlimited definitions for what I see in sight, and with light there's one definition, it's light.

I stay free and let the world be there for me, I am not there for the world.

In my physical reality, every person is good, there are no sinners.

Only a dead man is afraid to die, as his greatest fear is eternal life.

Earning money online, I get paid to use my finger tips. Royalty.

Being now I can see how words program reality, and it's hilarious (hell are we us).

Having no money and big plans is in perfect balance with having big money and no plans.

I build my world up, then my kids tear it down and build up their own.

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have fun :)

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