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Freedom Tuesday, #57!

Freedom Tuesday will, until further notice, not be serializing Edward Bellamy's Looking Backwards.

Neither will we finish the follow on work, Imperium ab Imperio, nor the one that reads like it was written today, but was published in 1908.

This book was first published in 1887, while freedom of thought was still a thing.
Before the advent of 'Murica!

I hope you can learn from this outline how to manage the broader world in a way that is agreeable to most everybody.

Only by finding consensus peacefully, and living within its parameters, can we hope to live on a peaceful planet.

Rule by force has had its day, it's past time to do something different, iyam.

You would've seen, if you had stuck with us through the chapters, why this book was not talked about in the #fakeducation indoctrination center I like to call skool.

We got interrupted serializIng 'the next one' by 'The Community' disagreeing that serializing arcane books is somehow valuable to them.

The question I ask is, would you have read them any other way?
I'm finding that I wouldn't have.

You, and I, dear reader, don't count in this 'community', if we take what was done to me at face value.
You'll notice that I still wear the badge of scorn and derision at the bottom of every post and comment I make.

When I was first contemplating the repercusions of being an outlaw author on an authoritarian chain the fear of punishment kept me in line.
I wanted those bot curation votes.

I didn't speak out while the 'bad whale' was crushing people willy nilly for speaking their minds.
It would have been suicidal.
As it was, I was allowed to be a shining beacon to others of 'the community' tolerance of edgy speech.

Playing along with the cancel culture has now put me in the spotlight.
Not many of the really elegant outsiders left to speak up.

Let me state, a number of 'good' content creators have been run off this platform over being bullied with autocratic rules and domineering personalities.

I hope this post serves as a call to the enforcers that 'the community' is expanding.
The winds have changed in the blockchain 'community' formerly known as steem.
The worm is slowing turning in this Hive.
Maybe we should stop scaring off the customers, eh?

This wind shift can only be more inclusive of us all, as the former was pretty damn exclusive.
If you had been here during the n2, you would know well how difficult it was, then.

I like to call this new current,...get ready,...

'decentralizing the reward pool'™

Shocker, I know.

As long as the top 10 votes take ~30% of the pool, only idiots join in that party, knowingly.
Source: @statsmonkey
I find it 'disturbing' that 'the community' knowingly allows this to continue.

However, even over 3 years ago, the inflation was doing its work decentralizing control over the pool.


This fact of the math has worked to drive off the greediest of those that loved to reap the pool with their powers.

No longer is 'the community' determined by the will of one person.
So, at least, we got that going for us.

We will know we have won when imitations of the above reports are allowed to be reproduced.

Heaven forbid that one of the 'popular' writers sacrifice his popularity by exposing the truth of the math.