Flag Worshipers Seem Confused.



Freedom Of Expression:

It is something that almost every American and I'd venture to guess most people the world beleive in.

At the very least, it is one of the core tenants of the nation known as the United States from it's very birth.

All this manufactured outrage...

•On one hand we have a bunch of athletes who mean precisely nothing to me trying to make some sort of statement by not standing for the magic song, excuse me national anthem. Which if you ask me is mostly used as a propaganda device at sporting events for non thinking cult members.

There, I said it...

I'm curious what they are protesting and what issue this will supposedly bring awarenenss to. I'll go out on a limb and say if confronted with such a question most of them couldn't even form a coherent sentence about what they are supposedly "taking a knee" for.

•Secondly we Have a bunch of sports fanatics who are so filled with moral outrage that they are burning their precious jerseys and other sports paraphernalia as a sort of counter protest to the protest, of the protest or something.

I'm totally fine with both.

Why shouldn't I be? Do I believe in freedom of expression or not?

What I really don't get is the fact that these people "skycloth cultists" don't see the irony or hypocrisy that they practice.

They on one hand see it fine to burn their own personal property with means sooooo much to them and other fans alike for what it represents in the sense of team loyalty etc.
While simultaneously having the belief that people who would burn their own flag as a from of protest should be deported, shot, stomped, have their citzenship revoked etc.
This would equally apply to those who refuse to stand for the magic song. ** Which I might add no players did up until the department of defense started paying the NFL to do so just a few years ago.**

•All of this while pretending to be so in love with freedom that you forbid anyone who disagrees with you to actually practice it.



•Once you begin to censor one form you must open the door to censor basically any form, or you cannot stay logically consistent.

•Boycott whatever you like, protest however you like so long as you do not engage in violating persons or property.

Most of all... Stay consistent in respecting the rights of others as you would wish them to respect you and yours...


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