The time to stand for free speech is now.

The Western establishment wants the entire West to have the same kind and level of free speech as North Korea.

Out of all the independent journalists on the internet, some are funded by the same financial interests that corrupted the entire Western establishment media industry. Possibly as much as 10% of the public listens to and frequents alternative media, but honestly, I don’t think it’s that high. Most are victims of establishment propaganda by watching it directly or through social pressure and group think imposed by the public repeating the establishment’s lies and distortions which is how the most successful propaganda is spread, by the victimized public itself.

The video contains an excellent discussion on some of the tactics the Western establishment is using in their ongoing psy-op war that’s been waged against the US and Western public for decades at this point.

The momentum is still currently on the side of ending free speech at this time. If free speech is lost, it will certainly open the door and further enable the NWO fascist totalitarianism that’s been encroaching on the West by incrementally changing laws and accepted practices of Western governments while the noose has continued to tighten on the public’s rights and opportunities over the passing decades.

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