

I would assume, that anyone that has never visited France, watching things like this unfolding in a "enlightened" western country would feel confused.
Anyone that ever did any traveling in EU would not be confused at all.

The center of München looks like the Middle East, The center of Paris looks like a good place to get robbed.
Imo, all this happening in France is the result of insane immigration policies by western countries where they import immigrants that both culturally are incompatible and/or actively hate the countries theyre coming to, to escape poverty.
My assumption is that this is the way the west is trying to "apologize" for their colonialism which is in turn destroying their own countries.


Belgium should try and fill up with Congolese people. Adopt the victimhood culture nurtured in USA. Get their population percentage to 15-20%. See how that goes.

Yes. Your countries suck. Your ancestors did terrible, despicable shit, but that doesnt mean your offsprings should suffer for it!

The other thing is that some cultures simply do not mix. Islam isnt just a "religion". Islam both sets up your morality, your governance and even an economic system.
Those that follow it obviously oppose the liberal values we hold in the west. Some might think all religions have this problem. They dont.

With Christianity you rarely have that problem since basically no one actually follows the teachings of the Bible. Everyone "interprets" Christianity loosely, ignoring most stuff they dislike, adjusting it to their pre-existent value system.
There are 2.5 billion Christians so you could say theres 2.5 billion Christianities.
That is less so the case with Islam although, for example, comparing a Bosnian Muslim to a Saudi Muslim would be unfair.
Still, Muslims think much more alike and hold much more extremist views compared to Christians. That is the byproduct of having Islam intertwined with all aspects of life in Islamic countries.

So youve filled up your country with people that both hate you and ideologically oppose you.

You now have a recipe for disaster. You have France.


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