dividendes + Larry is alive

Today, we have reached 150 ALIVE in liquidity on the side, and do you know what that means?

We will share it with our ALIVE delegates, and we are starting to have a good distribution pace. What do you think about that?

Thank you for your ALIVE delegations, everyone.

So here are your rewards. πŸŽ‰

bambukah : (1000 / 21048.822) * 100 = 4.7493%
synergized : (4290 / 21048.822) * 100 = 20.3779%
clavdio75 : (1715.7179 / 21048.822) * 100 = 8.1532%
florenceboens : (350 / 21048.822) * 100 = 1.6627%
isiksenpalvoja : (275 / 21048.822) * 100 = 1.3062%
beeminer : (296.8298 / 21048.822) * 100 = 1.4100%
albator85 : (845.0499 / 21048.822) * 100 = 4.0140%
elikast : (50 / 21048.822) * 100 = 0.2375%
c3r34lk1ll3r : (101.8126 / 21048.822) * 100 = 0.4837%
faustine.books : (60 / 21048.822) * 100 = 0.2850%
servelle : (1245 / 21048.822) * 100 = 5.9166%
satoshinakam0to : (24.2382 / 21048.822) * 100 = 0.1151%
pof.alive : (6218.2281 / 21048.822) * 100 = 29.5488%
justclickindiva : (2254.764 / 21048.822) * 100 = 10.7105%
manuvert : (2000 / 21048.822) * 100 = 9.4986%
phanty : (322.1815 / 21048.822) * 100 = 1.5310%

Replace the symbol with % for ALIVE to find out what you have received.

The remaining ALIVE above 100 was used to place a buy order on the FRENCH token.


Let’s dive into the latest correspondence from LARRY IS ALIVE. πŸ“¬πŸ”

We started by going to LISTNERDS, to check our backlog of emails.

We put LISTNERD back into stacking on the site. It had been a while since we last took care of it.” πŸ“ˆπŸ’‘

We then went through CTPX to earn XPLORING points and promote it to #fr members who would like to add the #CTP tag as well.

We ended up with LeadsLeap

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