All of them hearing voices. They are making terrorists with voices. Home grown induced mass shooter and terrorist events. I have found sixteen so far.
Myron May, Florida State University library. Three dead
Nick Cruz , Florida School Shooter. Seventeen people dead.
Danuel Drayton, serial killer.
Waid Anthony Melton, Albuquerque, NM shot and wounded three people
Esteban Santiago, Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport in Broward County, Florida, five people killed.
Aaron Alexis, Washington, D.C shot twelve people and injured three others.
Gavin Eugene Long, shot six police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Timothy J. Bate, Former police officer arrested near White House with arsenal. offered $28.7 million by the Department of Homeland Security and the state of Tennessee to participate in the CIA’s “MK Ultra” program
Michael Sandford, tried to kill Donald Trump, heard 'screaming voices'
Miriam Carey, a dental hygienist was killed by police after trying to ram a White House gate. Believed President Obama was electronically monitoring her Connecticut home in order to broadcast her life on television, sources said.
Travis Reinking, walked into a Waffle House in Nashville and opened fire with an AR-15. Four were killed and two suffered gunshot wounds.
William David Phillips, heard ‘voices’ before hitting 3 people, killing pregnant woman, 2-year-old
Jerry Varnell, parents catch FBI in plot to force mentally ill son to be a right wing terrorist.
Micah Xavier Johnson, reported hearing voices and the sounds of bombs exploding. Killed five police officers in Dallas.
Connor Betts, nine dead, 16 wounded. 2 victims were killed in crossfire by police
Emanuel K. Samson, Nashville church shooter heard voices, one person dead and seven others wounded.