Dear Steemers! Let's talk about how to solve problems

Dear Steemers!

Let's talk about how to solve problems

Every day, each of us is faced with various challenges, difficulties and problems, the solution of which requires a tremendous amount of mental, energy, time, and sometimes costly. The majority of the problems need to be resolved urgently and very consciously.

Each individual problem can be characterized by its own level of complexity and importance. For simple problems it is possible to resolve, without having special knowledge and skills, and can be more complex to deal only with specific information.

But be that as it may, there are some fundamental principles by which a person can cope with any difficulties encountered in his life, with absolutely no matter what sphere of life they relate to: business, work or interact with other people. Moreover, these principles will help not only to solve problems but also to do so by a minimum of time and effort.

In this article we will introduce you Hoti is with such principles.

How to solve any problems?

Next, we present ten principles that will help you successfully cope with any difficulties.


Principle One: The problem must be understood

First entered the problem you need to understand that you need to clearly define for themselves what is its essence, and what do you do business. You must come to the realization that, by and large, the problem is just a complicated situation or some unpleasant circumstance, and with that being said, you need something to do.

Think about what caused the situation, which of your actions have been ineffective or misguided. It is important to know the cause that will help avoid the recurrence of the problem in the future. Then try to think of the future, and to clearly define what may be the consequences of the problem. And only after you will have an objective view of the situation, you will be able to develop a plan to resolve the situation.


The second principle: it is impossible to solve all problems at once

It often happens that problems piled en masse: it can at one moment to fall on several issues, and perhaps so that the problem simply accumulate. Always remember that the problem in the first place, you need to decide as they arrive, and, secondly, not to allow them to accumulate, or it could worsen the situation and create a serious Abraham.

If, however, managed to avoid this, it is necessary to avoid the appearance of multitasking syndrome, and begin to try to solve all the accumulated problems at once. Solve their problems one by one: first make a note of all of them on one sheet of paper, then prioritize, appreciating the importance of the urgency of solving a problem. After that you will have a plan ready to overcome the difficulties. And necessarily solve the problems one by one, focusing on a specific goal.


The third principle: to act according to the plan

The basis for successful activity is almost always a plan of action. A solution to the problems - this is the successful activity in all its glory.

Once you have a list of your problems, and you know what you need to solve in the first place that the second and so on, break the solution to every problem into several stages. Try "Elephant cut to pieces" by dividing the problem-solving process into individual steps.

Let get rid of an unpleasant situation will be for you an exciting game, in which you have a step by step guide. Hold it and do not doubt that in this game there is only one winner - it's you.


Principle Four: get rid of the fear

Too often in addressing prevents fear. Sometimes even so, that person is afraid even to write their problems on the sheet, so as not to face the reality. But as you know, the only way to overcome fear is to meet him.

Cease to be afraid and to think that there is something terrible. Calm down and tune in to a positive outlook. Start a problem in a different way - so that it becomes a reason for you not to despair but a stimulus to development. And do not forget that successful people from failures distinguishes it thinking. Problems are an opportunity for them to become stronger. Allow yourself and you become a successful person.


Principle Five: to adopt the experience of others

Believe me, you're not the only person in the world who has problems. And many people have problems that you never dreamed of. But the importance of your problems it does not detract from, since is YOUR problem, not "someone out there."

However, you can use to resolve their problems other people's experiences. How do you know it? It's very simple. You can ask someone from friends, relatives or acquaintances whether they have encountered with your situation. You can ask questions on the internet and stumble to useful websites, articles or forums. You can even find some movie in which a person solves the problem, and try to put into practice the techniques of cinema.

As you can see, the possibilities are, and they are around you. Your task - to see these opportunities.


Principle Six: dwell in tranquility

Decisions are made based on emotions, can often lead to negative results. Understand that in addressing problems not impulsivity output. This does not mean you have to press the fist to the head and become a philosopher of his life, but the approach to the resolution of their difficulties to the mind, which means that, first of all, you need to stay calm.

This also can be attributed to the fact that do not need much to get upset, sad and grieving because of the problems. Issues - is part of life, and they, as well as joy, tend to take place, we perceive just painful. So think of the trouble as a new turn in its path, and remember, be sure to follow the white over the black stripe.


Principle Seven: do not neglect the support and assistance

Sometimes people, when faced with problems, try to solve everything only on their own, because or do not want to dedicate someone in their business, or are afraid to stand in front of someone in a negative light, or by more for some reason. However, there are such problems, to cope with which can only together, because family or friends can help with advice, to perform some errands, use his connections, etc.

For this reason, you should not neglect the support of others, and their reputation can be for some time to sideline. Degrading, of course, should not be, but to turn to someone for help is possible and necessary in case of need.


Principle Eight: do not build problems

Faced with the problems and considering ways to solve them, we must try to calculate all possible perspectives. The fact that the ill-considered action or "fuzzy" way to resolve a problematic situation can be potentially dangerous. In other words, they can cause other problems, which prevent in any case impossible.

Always think of no future, to calculate the options several times and think about every step. Here is the most suitable people's true: "Measure twice, cut once."


Principle Nine: act

Actions - the foundation of any result. If you do not act, then nothing happens. Based on this, you should understand that if you just sit, do nothing and expect that problems will be resolved by themselves, at best, you'll be in the same situation, and at worst - will worsen the problem, will cause other problems and hassles.

The mere planning - this is not a solution either, because, in fact, is the theory. Once the plan is made, it is necessary without delay to take action, and start to attack their problems. And the more resolutely will your actions, the less will be the confrontation of trouble.


Principle Ten: believe in yourself

And the last thing I would like to say - this is what you have always, everywhere and in every situation, no matter how difficult it may seem, must keep faith in yourself and your strength. You must be above circumstances, even if they do not depend on you. You must perceive itself as the owner of his life. You do not just believe, and know what kind of solution to the problems you will find a new twist on the way to a brighter future and life have fewer problems.

And another thing: stop calling the problem of problems, because it is only one word acts on the human mind so that it begins to perceive what is happening in the darkest colors. Suppose that the problem will simply situations or circumstances that require from you a little more attention.

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