Some Crazy Facts About Hitler and World War 2 That May Surprise You!

British spies who were close enough to have access to Hitler’s food, planned to smuggle doses of oestrogen into what he ate and drank to make him less aggressive and more docile. Their plan, in essence, was to feminize Hitler.

On Feb 27th 1933, a month after Hitler came to power, the German Parliament building, the Reichstag, was set on fire. Prior to this Hitler had constantly been proclaiming that there was a communist plot to overthrow his government. Before the night was over, and while the fire still burned, Hitler had drawn up a set of decrees which extinguished the guaranteed individual freedoms of Germany’s citizens

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In the 1920s, Berlin was known as the center of sexual perversion, drugs and depravity. Once in power, Hitler ordered the city cleansed of these elements. Obscene books, pornography and Communist literature were all burned by the National Socialists.

During wwII Japan bombed the Chinese with fleas infected with bubonic plague.

Jewish lawyer, Hans Litten put rising politician Adolf Hitler in the witness box and cross-examined him for 3 hours. Litten was later arrested when the Nazis came into power and was brutally tortured for 5 years until he committed suicide.

After Jesse Owens won 4 gold medals in the 1936 Olympics held in Berlin, Adolf Hitler sent Owens a commemorative inscribed cabinet photograph of himself. Honors were not bestowed upon Jesse Owens by either President Franklin D. Roosevelt or his successor Harry S. Truman during their terms.

If his father hadn’t changed his name in 1877, Hitler’s name would have been “Adolf Schicklgruber.”

WWII Flight Seargeant Nicholas Alkemade survived a fall from 18,000 feet without a parachute, suffering only a sprained leg

The Nazi party tried to turn Christmas into a nonreligious holiday celebrating the coming of Hitler, with Saint Nicholas replaced by Odin the “Solstice Man” and swastikas on top of Christmas trees.

Fanta originated in Germany as a result of difficulties importing Coca Cola syrup into Nazi Germany During WWII

Hitler never regarded the Chinese and Japanese as inferior to the Aryans. He thought that “their past history was superior to our own.”

During the War, the Allies dropped so many bombs that over 5500 WWII era Bombs are discovered in Germany every year and defused. An average of 15 per day.

Hitler had a Jewish-Austrian doctor who didn’t charge Hitler’s family during his childhood due to their economic hardship. Because of this Hitler showed his “Everlasting Gratitude” by never sending him to a concentration camp, had him protected, by the Gestapo, and referred to him as a “Noble Jew”.

Queen Elizabeth II served as a Mechanic and Driver during WWII.

2 Million German women ages 13-70 were allegedly raped and brutally murdered by the red Army during WWII

You may think world war II is over, but technically, its not. Japan and Russia have yet to sign the peace treaty signifying the end of the war. This is primarily due to the dispute over the Kuril Islands.

Hitler wrote a second book after Mein Kampf in 1928. In it he describes why he would go to war in Europe and how he admired the US eugenics programs. It was never published because he feared it would hurt already-low Mien Kampf sales.

One of Hitler’s personal chauffeurs and close friends, Emil Maurice, was found to be Jewish and was targeted for expulsion from the SS by Heinrich Himmler. Upon hearing that Maurice was of Jewish descent Hitler made an exception for he and his brothers calling them “honorary Aryans.”

The French Resistance cut the elevator cables to the Eiffel Tower to keep Hitler from ascending to the top during his visit when Paris fell. When faced with the prospect of climbing over 1500 stairs, he opted out.

The Gulf war cost each American $306 while Vietnam cost 2,204 a person. The Korean war caost 2,266 a person and WWII cost each person $20,388.

While America hypocritically criticized the Nazis for their treatment of the Jews, Hitler in an ironic twist, often praised the “efficiency” of the American Genocide of Native Americans.

During WWII, the Japanese invaded Alaska, and more Americans were killed or wounded defending Alaska than at Pearl Harbor.

Where did the myth that carrots are good for your eyes come from? In World War II, British pilots had a game-changing new tool for finding their enemies at night -- RADAR. But if the enemy knew about the Allies's new tech, they'd undoubtedly start working on copying it. So the British military started a rumor that their pilots had high-carrot diets to thank for their new-found night vision.

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