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How Vietnam's goal was created in the game against Uzbekistan

We lost the game unfortunately at the final minute of the second extra half by a stronger opponent - Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan reached the quarter final of U20 World Cup last year (lost to Senegal) and was the champion of AFC U16 Championship in 2012. They are strong opponents indeed.

I am not going to compliment our team in this article because there are many people doing that. We did a wonderful job in this tournament. I am going to say about Quang Hai's goal in this game - the beautiful free kick. This goal was made up from many factors that we, the viewers didn't see.

We notice that Vu Van Thanh (number 17) cleared the snow for Quang Hai to set a perfect position to set the ball.


However, we should consider another footballer: Do Duy Manh (number 11). He was very clever in this set-up.

Here is the time before Quang Hai kicked the ball. We see that there was a Uzbekistani defender near the right post (red square) to defend if Quang Hai shot to this corner.


Then, Duy Manh came to him to get his attention and get him out of his position.



And we got the goal we needed at the right place:


Duy Manh had only one action but it helped Quang Hai a lot in his free kick. Quang Hai's free kick was wonderful. You can watch it here:

Credited to VTV and FPT
