Football Time! Join my day through a Euro league Game.

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Ok, guys today I want to take you with me. Like you know I am Football player playing for Redbull Salzburg in Austria. Most of you surely missed my introduction Post where I wrote who I am.

Of course, I got a lot of questions about many things in the life of a professional football player.

I didn't want to write directly about Soccer because it was important to me that you get to know me apart from that. You know there are many cliches about football players I hate them, but I know that some of them are true but definitely not in my case. It's important to me that you know that.

In the future, I will write more about for those who are interested in, and I will start with that Post taking you with me through my day yesterday. Yesterday was our second game in the Euroleague.

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I drove with my sponsored car from Redbull.
Yes, it's a real blessing to get a car from the club you can use privately.

Not every club is doing that and I don't​ take this for granted.

But before I drove to the stadium I had to make a stop at another place something necessary for me.


Yes, I had to try my new mask :D

For those who missed it. Four weeks ago I got a cheekbone fracture. I wrote about it here if you want to read it. Therefore I need a mask if I want to play. A Mask like that is built exactly according to your face.

But I will put a beautiful design on this carbon mask. ;)


I can say; Salzburg is a lovely city to live. I love it.

Arrived at the Stadium I went down to the changing room to see my guys.


This would normally be my place. But right now the number 7 lock is empty. Ok someone put his bag there for sure to have more space :D

For those who understand no German.In my lock is standing: Never Give up!​

Now my Teammates are worming up.



After that, the Game started.


It was an excellent game. My Team played very well. You have to know right now we have many injured players. The situation is so bad that we couldn't fill the entire squad. You have to imagine that. If this happens, then you are in a terrible situation.

And then also against a club like Marseille. They have some strong world players. For example Patrice Evra. People who are interested in football should know him.

It was a good game. And the best thing about it is that we won!

Yes, we won with 1:0 this is amazing! The Joy was big after the game. And all also the injured players were happy about this important Victory.


All in all, it was a really successful day.
I got my mask ​so that I can train now entirely and join the team in the near future again and we won this important game.

This was short, but I hope you enjoyed this short trip.

If you like that and want to see more of that Post in the future, please let me know in the comments.

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