Eating clean for almost a week now

I started eating healthy at the beginning of this 2021. Can’t believe it has been for almost a week now! I am so proud of myself!! I use to eat whatever I like, especially in the evening my cravings just go wild lol. I know I am lucky without any weight concern or other health issues right now. But I know this won’t last forever, with getting older and toxins buildup it is important to take care of my health. I have to say since I have been eating healthy it only gets easier and easier, and I feel better🥰The first 2 days might be the headrest to handle: headaches, craving, or red meat starvation lol. But very soon my body started to reject the unhealthy foods, and I feel lighter during the day, my mood is better, and my senses are sharper. There are so much benefits in doing a cleansing once a while. I know what I’m doing is also a partial detoxing or just a healthier eat habit but it is a good start. Anything we do is gotta be better than last year right?! 😆

I did make this yummy treat for my kids, I want to show case here because I DID NOT EAT IT AT ALL! Proud of me?!!!hhahahah
This salad is what I ate instead


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