Homemade Healthy Snacks Series - #3 Easy-Peasy Crunchy Chickpeas

Another healthy snack that's so easy for you to make at home.  This one is great as you can mix them with nuts, seeds, dried fruit, anything like that, and you can flavour them to suit your taste.  I have made these ones spicy as that's what I like, but plain or just simple with salt & pepper makes for a very satisfying snack too!

What you will need:

1 x 380g can/carton chickpeas, or 230g cooked (from dried)  

Olive or coconut oil  

Seasoning - I used chilli flakes & chilli powder 


Drain the chickpeas and rinse thoroughly. 

This step isn't essential if you don't have the time or simply can't be bothered, but I like to shell my chickpeas.  You can do this easily by squeezing slightly and the shells just slip off.  Make yourself a nice brew to enjoy whilst doing this as it takes about 10 minutes.   

You see the chickpeas have a natural split down the middle – by squeezing gently they should split in half... Again this isn't an essential step, but it reduces roasting time, making them quicker to make and saves money on energy bills.  As you do each one, pop them onto a clean tea-towel to soak up excess moisture.    

Gather up the corners of the tea-towel and give them a good shake.  We want them nice and dry ready for roasting. 

In a roasting tray, finely drizzle the chickpeas with olive or coconut oil.  Not too much, they only need a thin coating.  Sprinkle with chilli flakes and powder, or a spice of your preference, and using your hands mix everything well in the tray.  

Pop into a preheated oven at 200 degrees Celcius for about 30 minutes, until golden-brown and crunchy.    Leave to cool then transfer into an air-tight container.  They should stay crunchy and fresh for about 3 days. 

If you enjoyed this post please follow me on Steemit and you can look forward to more yummy and (mostly) healthy recipes!   

Many thanks. 

For extra tips on health and weight loss, you can also support me as Natural Health Mama at https://www.facebook.com/naturalhealthmamma and https://naturalhealthmamablog.wordpress.com/  

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