Homemade Healthy Snacks Series - #14 - 70% Cocoa Dark Chocolate Chunk Cookies (No Sugar) - An Original Recipe

Good quality dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa (at least 70%) is actually nutritious and has many health benefits, unlike milk and white chocolate (and poor quality dark) which are very bad for us.  The higher the percentage of cocoa the more we benefit from its nutritional qualities.  Try to get a good organic dark chocolate that contains no sugar, as even unrefined 'raw cane sugar' is unhealthy despite the way it sounds, though admittedly it is better than processed sugars.  Although it's more bitter than the chocolate many of us are used to, we can use it in baking alongside other naturally sweet ingredients to create chocolatey treats you'll enjoy just as much, if not more, than sugar-loaded cookies and candies.  I suppose I don't really need to state the obvious that the less sugar we consume (especially children), the better!  As these cookies contain all good ingredients they are a much better option than sweets and crisps, so make a perfect after-school snack :-)


If you want to know more about the health benefits of dark chocolate, you can read about them in a helpful article here


What you will need:  (Makes about 20) 

100g bran/corn flakes  

2 tblsp coconut/avocado oil  

50g butter  

4 tblsp honey  

1 egg  

100g dates  

100g organic 70-85% cocoa dark chocolate  

50g semolina  

75g organic rye or fine wholewheat flour


In a large bowl, crush the bran/corn flakes with a rolling pin or something similar 

Melt the coconut oil and butter and add to the bowl, along with the honey and egg.  Mix well.  


Chop the dates very finely and add to the bowl 

With a large kitchen knife chop the chocolate into chunks and add to the bowl.  Stir in. 

Add the semolina and flour and mix first with a spoon, then with your hands to get everything mixed up well into a lovely grainy-feeling dough 

Roll into small balls in your hands, then press flat, and place onto un-greased baking trays.  Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celcius for 20 minutes  

Allow to cool on a wire rack.  Enjoy a few of these lovely crunchy cookies with your mid-afternoon coffee!

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All photos in this post (except the one I cited) are my own original

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