Healthy Snacks for the Festive Season - Mini Blueberry & Wheatgrass Honey Cookies (No Sugar) - An Original Recipe

Tangy and crunchy, these make a satisfying snack for yourself or a thoughtful handmade gift in jars for your loved ones.  As always, no sugar means these are guilt-free pleasures, a perfect alternative to all those tempting sugary snacks we are faced with this time of year.  They take about 10 minutes to make, so no excuses about being too busy to bake healthy snacks!  You can bring them to work for yourself, or to share with colleagues, or pop them into your kids lunchboxes.  Please take a look at my blog for previous recipes on healthy festive snacks that can also be given as gifts.

Blueberries are extremely nutritious as they contain the highest antioxidant capacity of all fruits and vegetables, helping to protect us from all kinds of disease and premature aging.  They are high in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese.  Using them in baking is a great way to get them into your diet, as long as what you bake isn't loaded with harmful ingredients that will counteract the health benefits of the blueberries!

Wheatgrass powder is the next best thing to fresh wheatgrass, providing that it is a high quality GMO-free organic powder.  Just 1 teaspoon a day is thought to be enough to benefit from its nutritional properties, and can be added to smoothies, cooking and baking.  It is rich in chlorophyll, antioxidants, iron, calcium, magnesium, amino acids, vitamins A, C and E, and selenium.  It helps boost the immune system, aids digestion, helps prevents disease, is a natural liver cleanser, detoxes the body of heavy metals, strentghens blood, gives an energy boost, speeds up the metabolism, balances hormones, aids sleep, and many other health benefits!

What you will need:

50g butter  

50g coconut/avocado oil  

6 tblsp honey  

1 tsp wheatgrass  

100g dried blueberries  

1 egg  

300g flour  


In a large bowl melt the butter and oil, and stir in the honey. 

Add the wheatgrass powder and egg, and mix in.

Chop the blueberries into smaller pieces and add to the bowl.

Add the flour and blend using a wooden spoon. 

Roll or squeeze into small balls in your hand (it's quite a crumbly mixture), and flatten slightly.  Place onto baking trays and pop into a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes. 

Allow to cool on a wire rack. 

These are perfect for popping into a hand-decorated jars and giving as gifts to friends, family and neighbours.

If you enjoyed this post, please follow me for more seasonal healthy recipes and crafts throughout December!

Many thanks.

All ideas and photos in this post are my own original.

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